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Everything posted by SameSame

  1. Seriously is Brando on a combination of bad drugs
  2. You guys don't get it, he wants to spit on people. thssssppi This is a big deal, the spitting, and he needs to do it.
  3. Some of you guys would bitch during a blow job.
  4. That time instead of herewego, I think he said Billy Joel
  5. Do you not have any friends to go play with, because nobody here gives a fuck about you.
  6. I was talking about the very suspicious cramping the play before that. Then this guy hurts his leg while I was typing.
  7. Good time for somebody to get a hold of one
  8. That song may be the only thing worse than this game.
  9. They are collapsing right in front of our face. About to have all offseason to talk about how they couldn't get 1 game the last week.
  10. Not that it makes a shit to anyone, but I misread that post Surly made earlier in the thread. He wasn’t saying he’s actively rooting against the team, he was talking about coping mechanisms. Just dealing with the constant let downs.
  11. SameSame

    tOSU at ND

    I guess we’ll never know all the communication going on, but I would seriously doubt the head coach is involved any rotation talk unless he’s also calling plays.
  12. CeDe tried playing the victim instead of making a play there.
  13. Whatever that means, I'm not coming down on you little buddy. But fans of teams do not root for them to lose.
  14. You're not a bad fan, you're just simply not a fan. If you get enjoyment out of watching a team lose, you're not a fan of that team, at all.
  15. This terrible grass is not letting Dallas cut and accelerate like they are used to. The players association should demand new turf surfaces on all fields.
  16. They did get points, but they were so afraid to let him throw down there.
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