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Everything posted by SameSame

  1. Jesus henry Christ, that is a straight up brainwashed cult right there
  2. Don’t be trying to be so goddamn pedantic you were chilled maybe
  3. There’s no way he doesn’t make some dumb joke about getting his face up there.
  4. Ghislaine ‘Super Max’ Well
  5. That guys look at the end is priceless.
  6. Such a typical Trump bullshit pussy answer. Saying the virus will magically disappear one day is in no way equivalent to the process and trials you go through to get a viable mass vaccine.
  7. No way that’s in reference to Trump’s tweet, if anything the other way around. Of course what do I know, he’s so damn dumb anything is possible.
  8. Yes they arrested a guy and he admitted to it. It wasn’t the cop they first identified, just some 60 yr old asshole from the area.
  9. If that’s the Fiesta off Ross I was there earlier today. Must have missed her.
  10. I remember seeing the talk shows with white supremacists back in the day as well, there was one conversation that stuck with me. They were asked if they one day wanted political power, they were flat open about it and said we already have people in political power positions. We have people throughout the country on your school boards, your city councils, state legislatures and we’ll one day have someone in the White House. I thought it was just nutso hate talk, but they were right.
  11. I’m telling ya, if you said something about him chewing gum, this dope would literally unwrap a piece of juicy fruit and start walking around.
  12. The greatest ads the Democrats ever had, were made by Republicans.
  13. This is a national embarrassment.
  14. Where’s Mr law & order now when all of his dipshit followers refuse to abide by the directions of law enforcement.
  15. A bogus video about a guy getting help out of the snow when it’s 95 freaking degrees outside. That’s next level shit right there.
  16. SameSame


    Everything about that says aggy, straight down to the straw in his beer.
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