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Everything posted by SameSame

  1. Are you calling her a juicer? I mean a Jew, Sir?
  2. Ah you took my line. Was going to say the 27 Yankees of dipshits.
  3. This lousy motherfucker has brain damage. How can any decent person support him?
  4. Uhhg let me clear my throat. I have just been gotten ordained. Now ye in my congregation. I'm gonna ask all of ya as the bucket goes around, made way of the plate, as bucket comes to ya touch it feel it and drop in ya folding money. Don't let yaor friend do some sort of passover. Give it give it, money money. Love is in the air, and moneys in the bucket. Peace be with you.
  5. Danny Crenshaw ain't even from America. I like ol boys from America jack, like Teddy Cruz.
  6. Along those same lines, a friend of mine his grandmother lost her life savings to an evangelist/financial planner. We went over there to help her move some things and I just remember her sitting there with this dumbstruck sadness. She could not wrap her head around that he was a straight up con-man.
  7. Ah, there it is. You knew it, we all knew it.
  8. He may have fox news tourettes. It's a thing.
  9. For the millionth time, those drugs may or may not work. They are just shit slinging. You don't get to, or you shouldn't, stand up like King Kong after 94 defeats and 1 victory.
  10. Honestly, that sounds like something a 3rd grade teacher pins on her wall then says half sarcastically, that's right Kayleigh, you got it you got the spirit!
  11. Dipshits, we're just dealing with dipshits.
  12. Aggies. The entire board of texags is exactly like that. That's is sincerely how they think, and it's scary that so many are still like that. They have a thread on there now talking about storming the state capitol to get the governor to open the state up.
  13. Wait, you mean.....he's been lying?? Oh my
  14. There's a post on that gofundme link that says that dead Karen's husband and two sons are trying now to get tested, but there are no test available for them. They live in a Republican run county in a Republican run state in a Republican run country, and I guarantee you without a doubt, that they and everyone who gave that post on facebook a thumbs up, will blame their failure to test on Democrats.
  15. Again, do not forget that people like dead Karen are all following their heroes.
  16. Love that she kept pressing that dipshit.
  17. Probably lucky if Covid is the only thing she brought back.
  18. Thx, this kind of answered my previous question. The Texas students flew out on the 14th. I think it's safe to say, and draw a known parallel from, what fox news reports to what the president says and tweets, then the trickle down to our state officials and what they say. I think it's also safe to say if the president hadn't come out a month earlier completely discarding the risks, then repeatedly minimizing the risks, that a lot of those families probably wouldn't have allowed those students go on that trip and then subsequently spread the virus.
  19. I know sxsw had already been canceled, but someone remind me what was the message from our state and federal leaders before they left to go? I'm honestly a little too lazy to go back and put together the timeline.
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