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Everything posted by SameSame

  1. The truly sad part is that he doesn't care in the least or give any thought to the actual health of the people affected. He said it himself, plain as day, he only cares about the numbers as it pertains to his perception. He is truly a scumbag of a human being.
  2. We all know he is internally bitchmade, but you know what he sounds like is someone with a serious drug problem. Say one thing one day, the next day completely contradict himself or just say he never said it in the first place. Mood swings out of nowhere. Jumpy and nonsensical. That somebody coming up and down off dope.
  3. Trump's response? A baffling "that's a good idea". (Good idea to rush and screw it up? Good idea to mention this? WHAT??) But perhaps the weirdest of all was when he thought that he – a mediocre business person – may have come up with the solution to a complex global pandemic which no medical professional could ever have thought of: https://www.msn.com/en-gb/health/medical/experts-baffled-as-trump-asks-why-they-cant-just-use-flu-vaccines-to-prevent-coronavirus/ar-BB10GvWI?ocid=sf&fbclid=IwAR3fdxgCaEQB5cw8eBq1_Oq8zSfSnxPEoTxF-lXz469Tio1wXycgcGmRIeg#image=1 And that millions of people actually look at that man and think he is a symbol of truth and guidance. It will never not be baffling.
  4. And as is shown with the lady in the video of the other post, I would bet that when a deployable vaccine is ready all the members of his following solar temple won't take it anyway. You know because of dear leader saying all the numbers are wrong and it being a hoax and all. Just a hunch.
  5. Me and my drunk ass would aso like to apologize to Billie eilish for all those dumb unwarranted bitch comments. I was wrong and you are good.
  6. Take a good look at her now. 10 years she'll be tatted up and strung out talking bout remember when. Oh we know baby we know
  7. I give original score to Keontay Ingram when he caught the edge on Utah and veered back toward the middle. My favorite.
  8. It's like the james webb, it's happening, just don't hold your breath.
  9. Dude just collapse and die. Do it for your country.
  10. Have to admit, I thought it was hilarious first time I heard it at 16. Then I graduated high school and realized, hold on that dude is just a loud asshole, fuck this.
  11. I just want to make it clear to everyone, and let there be no mistake, that I am still a piece of shit. In fact I consider myself the pieciest of pieces of shit. Myself and shit have a great relationship. Why just the other day shit was regaling on my pieceness to his larger massive shit existence. And I will gladly stand up next to shit and defend him still today.
  12. He wants so bad to be included in the good ol' boys back-slapping war stories club, that he will do absolutely anything. I guarantee you he truly thinks that makes him cooler to the cool kids.
  13. Goddamn dude, is there anyone remaining on the right that is simply reasonable. Just reasonable, that's all we're asking.
  14. Honestly, she's just dumb. She's not a bright person, at all. That and a whore.
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