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Everything posted by Quasimofo

  1. Hi Karen! Since you're hanging out here now, I'm posting one of your nudes (reverse angle only!) as a welcome.
  2. Grew up around a guy who murdered a 66 yo lady in Vernon. He was a trusty in Lubbock. Escaped, drove to an old friend's house near Vernon. Friend wasn't there, but his mother was. Raped her, killed her, stole some stuff. He was arrested in Wichita Falls a day or two later, trying to pass a check of hers. He was convicted because his teeth matched a pattern bitten into her cheek during the rape. Put to death. A few months ago, I had jury duty with his sister. During voir dire(sp), they asked if we knew anyone who'd been a victim or perpetrator of a violent crime. As luck would have it, they called on her. She broke down crying. Pretty rough.
  3. Found this very docile guy under a mesquite tree yesterday. Giving me the side eye.
  4. Quasimofo

    A Joke

  5. You apparently never had a couch on your porch. You sit out there ONE time, watch a few cars drive by, and then come tell me how boring we are.
  6. I can save it. Dress Liv up as Leslie. 3. 4. Profit etc etc
  7. Before the bowl game, I'd have donated $20 to anyone who could field a damn punt.
  8. Now I've got that song stuck in my head. "Drink a cheeseburger, eat a six pack..."
  9. I appreciate seeing her Twitter posts here. Drunk old heifer blocked me.
  10. Rotisserie. 1.Welder 2. Rebar 3. Electric ice cream maker (mounted to side of smoker) 4. You get that smoke vortex going... 5. Profit
  11. I'm sorry that some of you can't see how extremely likeable and sweet she is, and that people are drawn to her. Picture of her taken a couple of weeks ago.
  12. It's not just a job, it's another fine Navy day of kicking those gravel agitators asses! Go Navy!
  13. Your revolution is over. Condolences. The bums lost.
  14. Is it me, or do the DQ's in West Texas overcook the steak fingers EVERY time? I'm looking at you Ft Stockton! I gave you at least three chances. I will say the one in Kermit does a decent job, but the line is always too long.
  15. This is a hack I never see on Facebook or YouTube.
  16. Interesting thing about my part of the world (North Central Texas) is when Fall starts sending cold fronts in, those Western Diamondbacks will crawl out on country roads, and warm themselves at night. Most people drive right by, thinking it's a stick between the two lanes. If I see that coontail coloration when I drive by, I'll stop and go back, which my wife HATES!
  17. Saw these guys about 100 yards apart a couple of weeks ago, before the cold front. You're not getting close-up, beautiful pictures from me. Especially with that mean one! I'll leave those to Swayze.
  18. Running for the shelter
  19. He answered his question from last week.
  20. Commonly know as The Pentavirate
  21. Don't want none unless you got buns, hon.
  22. I'll bet you think about smart stuff a lot.
  23. Where Would you Ever Get that Idea?
  24. "And over here, we have the 'acquire nachos' portion of the hurricane"
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