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Everything posted by n64ra

  1. The Dodgers suck.
  2. Now this is who should be the guest picker!
  3. I should've punched Baker Mayfield when I saw him at Flores in Lakeway.
  4. Been busy all week with work, which sucked, but not as much as OS sucks.
  5. My understanding is a stadium in Tampa does fine. See the Lightning and Bucs. Being across the bay in St. Pete is too much of a challenge for fans to get to. So MLB announces a new stadium right next to the current one. 🤦‍♂️
  6. Tie breaker info for 3 or 4-way ties https://www.mlb.com/news/2023-mlb-postseason-three-team-and-four-team-tiebreaker-scenarios
  7. Old man alert. Thankfully I don't have to watch past the third inning due to my bed time!
  8. I hate KU now with players potentially looking towards OU.
  9. From Sports Illustrated - Free-Falling Astros Face ‘Hell Week’ With MLB Playoff Hopes, Dynasty at Stake Summary: Astros suck, SI can't figure out why. I showed them:
  10. The 2013 Astros season died a more honorable death than this one is.
  11. How is 5 runs not enough to beat the worst team in MLB? Oh and the Astros are losing again today already!?
  12. Fight! We need to say goodbye to every Big 12 school with a loss to Texas!!
  13. For the love of anything, please win a series against a last place team.
  14. Over the Big 12 years, tceh is the one that has fucked us over on the biggest stage (2002, 2008). The others only beat us when we were crap.
  15. Finally! Dusty was prepared to deliver us a sweep by the Orioles but Doobie said hell no.
  16. That works when you have a ten game lead not when you have a 0.5 game lead! Seattle to win AL West, Toronto to have 2nd WC spot, and Texas to have 3rd WC spot. Houston to have a new manager for 2024.
  17. Awful is the new normal for the Big 12 starting now in preparation for 2024. When the CFP committee gets together to strip the Pac-2 of their eligibility in the 12 team playoff, they should also strip the Big 12 of theirs.
  18. If we had had a 4th game against Oakland, it'd probably be 9 runs in the series too.
  19. I also don't know what he's talking about, but the good news is I'm clearly married to a different woman. Drank a Shiner last night with no issues while the Boys demolished the Giants.
  20. Not how I'd imagine anyone to lose $95M ever
  21. https://www.winsipedia.com/texas/vs/alabama I hope one click and adding +1 to a number you read doesn't count as research for you.
  22. what a way to lose, Tceh, what a way to lose. How's 0-2? In case you were wondering, 2-0 is great!!
  23. "SEC SEC SEC" lol
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