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Everything posted by hacker

  1. Yeah. Thru 16
  2. played the Quarry in San Antonio yesterday. The greens are horrible and #2 is a complete disaster. Wish I had taken a picture. Thankfully, it was free.
  3. Strong dislike for idiots driving with headphones on. Wrapped up in their own world and not paying attention to their surroundings.
  4. 70 and sunny tomorrow in Austin - may be dropping kids off at school and headed to the golf course.
  5. What was the price? My local beer station wants 18.50 for a 4 pack
  6. Cross posting from the dumbass...Facebook thread
  7. Wasn't sure if this should be in the basketball threads or here
  8. Yes my bad
  9. Charles Johnson starting to annoy me. Stfu every now and then
  10. Slightly underthrown but you gotta catch that
  11. while good, I wouldn't put Hazy Little Thing at the top
  12. anything new for Christmas? I haven't played in a while but thinking of asking for this https://eyelinegolf.com/products/eyeline-putting-mirror?variant=222731848 I live right off #5 at Plum Creek. I'm thinking the training aid is something I can easily take over to the practice area during lunch.
  13. I didn't read the entire article earlier but they really believe they haven't done anything wrong.
  14. PGA moving headquarters to Frisco https://www.pga.com/news/pga/pga-of-america-relocating-headquarters-frisco-part-of-innovative-public-private-partnership
  15. Ads for celebrity shit: 'Blah blah blah's son is a spitting image of him!'. No shit, that's how genetics work. What the fuck are they expecting? alien life form?!?!
  16. start with this https://www.reddit.com/r/pcmasterrace/wiki/builds
  17. My FIL has been at my house since September. Consider it a blessing that you fuckers only deal with a few days of this shit
  18. Nomura is nectar from the Gods
  19. Pinthouse Pizza on S. Lamar. Get the Electric Jellyfish (IPA). They'll have some other stuff that will appease the wife. You can always check http://pinthousepizza.com/lamar/beer/live-tap-feed to see their current beer lineup. Not too far from them is The ABGB. Good pizza, good beer, and usually some live music playing. Beer list here https://theabgb.com/beers/. I believe they have wine too your dad/his wife. There is a solid selection of beer in Austin now - San Antonio, not so much.
  20. 100% cash - do you even report it?
  21. hacker


    UCF QB just had his leg destroyed
  22. This punter is......not good
  23. Stafford was never going to Texas
  24. taking my son to see Muse in February.
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