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Posts posted by Thetexashammer

  1. 11 minutes ago, Al Bundy's Napoleon Hand said:




    The AG is not making a factual finding that the procedure is legal. They are stating that the job of making a factual finding is the physician's.  They are restating the law.

    They cannot state "it is legal". That is a factual determination made by the physician. I do apologize for my lack of clarity.

    To restate my position, there is no reason not to proceed with the procedure, outside of the hospital or the physician refusing to do so. It appears the law is fine, but there is something going on at the hospital.

    If you want to change the law, this is not the droid you are looking for.

    • Fuck You 7
  2. 8 minutes ago, Al Bundy's Napoleon Hand said:

    I mean, not that it matters, being your position is that the AG's opinion is that it's "legal". 

    It's not my position that the AG said it is legal. The AG stated that the determination of whether it is legal occurs at the level of the medical provider. That is how the law operates.

    It is, however, my position you should read what the AG actually said. It appears you have not done that.

    • Fuck You 11
  3. 8 minutes ago, TwiceHorn said:

    No they're not.  They're saying it's only permissible if the mother's life is in danger.

    The letter says you are allowed to do a D&C if the pregnancy "that places the female at risk of death OR POSES A SERIOUS RISK OF SUBSTANTIAL IMPARATIMENT OF A MAJOR BODILY FUNCTION UNLESS THE ABORTION IS PERFORMED". All the AG did was restate the law.

    I am not sure what isn't clear about that. She is at risk for uterine rupture. It's entirely clear, medically and morally. That was stated in the Mediaite article. Why is there even a lawsuit? The AG is not contesting the factual finding, just restating the law. 




    • Fuck You 11
  4. 15 minutes ago, TwiceHorn said:

    Yeah and the statute doesn't require following the hospitals procedures. 

    And this whole thing is fucking nasty. They are trying to force this woman to give birth to a stillborn infant and also to prosecute the hospital. 

    Humanly indefensible. 

    The AG is saying that the procedure is legal, but the hospital is not following their own procedures. All they have to do is follow their existing procedures.

    The mediaite story claimed the patient was told that she was at risk for uterine rupture which would damage her fertility, so there appears to be no issue with meeting the requirements to make it legal.

    Is that correct?

    • Fuck You 10
  5. 2 hours ago, StassneyHorn said:

    A country telling reporters to suck their dick over an unrealized gain of 3.6 million is funny.

    ”We have a beach house in Santa Monica!”

    He's a politician, so low expectations. They already use the dollar anyway.

    However, if Argentina switches to Bitcoin, that would be remarkable. Lightning has to get fully developed first. But taking power away from corrupt governments would do wonders for South America.

  6. 3 minutes ago, InkaUtexas said:

    Bad ass. My experience always was consumables run out and the supply chain has to catch up for kits.

    So do you mind asking how we can adopt a medic? 

    I did all mil to mil stuff.

    Here is what Ukraine says they need: Microsoft Power BI

    Here are delivery locations, with phone numbers: Humanitarian aid website (help.gov.ua)

    How much money is being spent? I would suggest buying in Poland, stuff is WAY cheaper there. I occasionally bought stuff on Allegro.pl. I could pitch in $500.

    • Hook 'Em 3
  7. 8 minutes ago, atomheartbevo said:

    Then why is Paxton threatening them by name?  Why is he threatening hospitals that would allow her to have it?

    This is not some kind of hypothetical thing either - he is literally naming her, her doctor, and the associated hospitals.

    It is explained in the press release.


    The hospital is entitled to follow their long held procedures for making the determination. There is nothing stopping them from performing the procedure tomorrow, other than the hospital's own policies perhaps.

    It's literally an invitation to perform the procedure.

    • Fuck You 5
  8. 3 hours ago, TwiceHorn said:

    No, that is exactly the set of facts here that Paxton argues is insufficient to invoke the exception.

    Paxton alleges that the physician must state that in his or her medical judgment, the facts meet the exception. Paxton made no medical claim at all, and specifically disavows the ability to determine the facts, they merely restate that "reasonable medical judgment" is required.

    The claim is that she meets the requirement. As far as I can tell, she can get the procedure tomorrow without issue.

    • Fuck You 4
  9. 2 hours ago, InkaUtexas said:

    Yep, am reaching out to see. There are some groups that do the donation route. I am cool with that. I just keep hearing quality has gone down on the front. People think, well I can send 5 of these cheap ones vs. 1 good one.

    A thing to keep in mind is these are consumables. That wounded soldier takes the tourniquet with them when evacuated. Constant resupply has been an issue. So those, the bandages and IFAKs are what I see is asked for.

    They have tons of IFAKs. We made sure they had plenty. I could probably RFI my team for a POC with a charity that is coordinating delivery of material donations to Ukraine. I don't think our activities in Jasionka are classified. 


    • Hook 'Em 2
  10. 29 minutes ago, TwiceHorn said:

    No, that is exactly the set of facts here that Paxton argues is insufficient to invoke the exception.

    Can you show me an example of a doctor who has been prosecuted for doing a D&C after a spontaneous abortion? Because I think that would be horrifying.

    • Fuck You 12

    I really want to know why Magill is smiling the whole time. Either way, these are revolting people.

    To Anastasis's point, I like freedom of speech so I don't think a chant constitutes "harassment". But the presidents are completely blind to the fact that a large portion of their student body, and even their faculty, supports terrorism. And these assholes aggressively censor speech on a minute to minute basis. Fuck them all, they are evil personified and the enemy of reasoned academic discourse

    The academy cannot be saved.


    • Hook 'Em 3
    • Fuck You 4
  12. 38 minutes ago, NashLonghorn said:

    Was at West Point in 1978 as a Plebe.  After a year, decided to transfer to UT BUT I’ll never forget going to Philly via bus and even though we lost 28-0 the spirit we exhibited brought praise from our Super. LTG Goodpaster but got ripped a new one from our Commandant BG John Bard, due to the 10s of thousands of dollars damage we cadets inflicted on the Benjamin Franklin hotel.  Remember at the time the drinking age was 18. We were all docked pay for a month.  Still worth it though. 

    Go Army Beat The Crabs

    Forgive me for making a minor, technical point. No 1* has ever "ripped a 3* a new one" LOL.   Like, never. Nice work on fucking up the hotel though.

  13. Given the turmoil around A&M's legendary football program, I am extremely tempted to bet against them in the bowl. They are still 3 point favorites, I believe. I just can't wrap my arms around OSU winning, they are so bad.

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  14. 1 minute ago, C-Man said:

    The fourth objection says "life threatening" to the woman OR "substantial impairment of a major bodily function." My understanding is that she's a great risk of not being able to get pregnant again without the abortion. I'd say that constitutes the latter part of that objection.

    And yet they did not claim that in court. This is why they lost their argument. 

    • Fuck You 6
  15. I have a question. Hear me out, I know I know, but it's about Quinn Ewers.

    Can someone explain why Ewers has a better QB rating in the second half? Is the entire first half scripted? I have heard references to this. 

    Second but related question. Why does Quinn never appear to audible out of bad plays? I will hang up and listen.

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