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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Thetexashammer

  1. A while back, the Polish Ambassador to France stated that is Ukraine fails to dislodge Russia, Poland would feel obligated to enter the war. I would find it unsurprising if they did. The hate Russia with the fire of a thousand burning suns and they are gearing up their economy to put it on a war footing.

    I know that some people don't believe Putin is trying reestablish Russian primacy by rebuilding the empire, but that's exactly what all the eastern block countries believe, probably because Putin has stated his clear objective over and over again.


    • Hook 'Em 2
  2. ARTICLE 3.

    1. To catch a ball means that a player:

      1. Secures control of a live ball in flight before the ball touches the ground, and

      2. Touches the ground in bounds with any part of his body, and then

      3. Maintains control of the ball long enough to enable him to perform an act common to the game, i.e., long enough to pitch or hand the ball, advance it, avoid or ward off an opponent, etc., and

  3. On 11/21/2023 at 6:54 AM, Parliament said:

    Please don’t go and dox me here.  My employer suffered a…setback…over the weekend and our stock opened down eighteen percent yesterday.  They blew through my buy order and executed at 15% under that.  So in typical Wally fashion I put in another order at a lower price.  Ride or die, I say.

    Always good investment advice.

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