"The French "betrayal" and the axis with Berlin"
Stay at home extended until 16 May. Debate over making masks mandatory is expanding. I was given a mask when I went to the grocery store the other day. I've got two that I've been saving, cheap and disposable. I also kept the grocery store mask. They have a textile industry, I would think they could make millions. Manufacture, or maybe distribution, is the bottleneck.
Deaths steadily declining, so I look forward to getting out of jail before any of you fucking goofballs. But still not anytime soon. I think it will be all mask, all the time, in public. Contact tracing. Olds and immune compromised still quarantined. Obviously that's where this is headed, including in the US. But Italy is uniquely old, like really old. Inverted pyramid old. Demographic suicide old.
This is the boring part of the virus. There's no more interesting stuff, besides waiting for people to die, which is horrible. It's not shocking to hear about how you can't have funerals anymore, it's just fucking sad and horrible. It's just the grind, and shit got more horrible. And you have to fight the good fight. Six more weeks of this I think. It's brutal, it's a deep psychological attack, and I'm on the good side of this equation.
All the stresses that people have, everything's doubled down. It's like going to Mardi Gras with you're 19 years old, except now you know the consequences. People will start to live truly for the moment, not thinking as much about the future or what is right or best. Looters get lootier. Angry drunks will get angrier, wife beaters more violent. Truth gets truthier. Horrible wives get more horrible. Maslow's Hierarchy is in effect. Needs are more basic, more primal. Anger is more at the surface.
Italy is different because it's old, and not to be mean, but they don't fight back as much. Still, it's different. Fear is palpable. As is the rebellion to a small extent. Now is the long haul and the grind. Preserve what you have.