My first thought was to answer your question "yes". But it's not that simple.
Everything not a pharmacy or grocery store, to include restaurants, is closed. You have to have a document to travel, but you can self certify. For now, it's working because too many Italians are dying and people are scared. I've been out in public a bit and you can see the difference, and yes younger people are all like DGAF. Dumbfuck Italian bearded hipster douchebag cut in front of me at the store, maybe didn't realize he was crossing a line but fortunately I'm the well mannered sort.
The point is, it will change, and it's not a function of carabinieri or the italian military, which seems to be out and about. The cops here are just like the ones in the US, but worse. They'll recklessly target the innocent with great violence and let the criminals go free, though they do seem to have a thing for the migrants, or at least a new excuse to go after them (I witnessed it). The people outnumber the cops, so when the people decide they're not gonna stay home, they won't. The end. Doesn't matter if gramma dies at that point.
The reason the death rates are so high is that the ICU's have triaged out all the older patients. AKA if you're 65 or older, no ICU for you.
I deal with stress pretty well, most people don't. There's a clock on this lockdown thing. It creates a pressure cooker. Things will blow up after a while. It's all a grand new experiment but Italy was a pressure cooker before and this isn't helping. I suspect (but am not predicting) it will have larger implications. Well other than another financial step down for the failing Italian economy.