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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Thetexashammer

  1. So I looked up Schengen as the UK's status had never occurred to me. They are not in Schengen, even though they could have been, since you need not be EU to qualify. So I don't think Brexit directly influences anything for better or worse. I ddi read some interesting stuff about Ireland. Northen Ireland voted to Remain. Their assembly also voted "not to approve" the Brexit deal, a matter on which of course they had no authority to opine. Allegedly, there were no dissenters. The Economist is saying this will lead to reunification. Text of the Economist piece. I never even knew this was an option. I wonder N Ireland will hold a referendum. It's different from Scotland because Ireland is already in the EU. Scotland would not qualify for the EU because of their deficit, which makes the independence threat a bit of a joke, although it is "credible" it is also quite stupid unless they can grow out of their dependence. It's shite being scottish, lowest of the low, scum of the earth, being colonized by wankers, ruled by effete assholes. Deal with it I guess.
  2. In times of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act. You state a basic and valid opinion, people go into vapors.
  3. So I'm doing a european delivery on an E-Class. Any advice is appreciated.
  4. You have to wonder how much value it really adds. 47 of 53 cancer studies cannot be replicated. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-science-cancer/in-cancer-science-many-discoveries-dont-hold-up-idUSBRE82R12P20120328 Only 14 of 67, or 21%, of published, peer reviewed studies can be replicated. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-science-cancer/in-cancer-science-many-discoveries-dont-hold-up-idUSBRE82R12P20120328 Around these parts, lots of people will say that some study showed their preferred postion is correct so suck it libtard or whatever. I just laugh. That's not how it works. The attempt to develop a lab test for COVID19 is interesting. To evaluate your lab test, you must have a gold standard to compare to. You need to know the actual DNA sequence. But they don't even know if there is a single strain, or multiple. And even if they have a gold standard to compare to, evaluating their lab test takes months long experimentation, not just some overnight guess based on gut feel. Science is about data, not hurried press conferences. In a crisis, a 60% solution becomes a 99% solution. The media thinks science is just magic, and it doesnt' work that way.
  5. I don't like that, but it's been done for decades. Would you call that authoritarian? I wouldn't. It's not a reduction of personal freedoms, like taking away the internal combustion engine. Fuck, the federal government is operating the single largest, fakest, most bankrupt pension plan in the universe. It's not a purity test, it's a matter of direction. He's not growing, he's at least trying to shrink. Lower taxes, less regulation. I'd really prefer to see less spending. Spending is control. But people don't seem to care about that. AOC/Bernie/FillInTheBlankSocialist are massively authoritarian. There's no other way to look at it. It's english. The powers to ban hydrocarbons or confiscate property or establish nationwide rent control are not within the 17 enumerated powers of the federal government. I don't like the man but I like the policy.I'd prefer a lot more cutting, but again, we aren't a Westminster system.
  6. Good stuff old chap. authoritarian [əˌTHôrəˈterēən] ADJECTIVE favoring or enforcing strict obedience to authority, especially that of the government, at the expense of personal freedom. "the transition from an authoritarian to a democratic regime" Trump is governing as a conservative. He is reducing taxes and cutting regulation. Trump allegedly repealed 12 regulations for every new one. Tom Steyer is running an ad saying the first thing he will do as president is declare a state of emergency. Fuck the rule of law, that's for little people. Habeus corpus? Ain't nobody got time for that. Scary as fuck. Here's what Bernie Sanders wants to do. 1. He wants a 97% income tax rate. 2. He will ban all private health care plans. 3. He is committed to 100% renewable energy, aka a total ban on hydrocarbons. Forget driving to work I guess. Forget about trade with China. Forget about air travel. 4. He will establish nationwide rent control. 5. He will install a wealth tax. Simple confiscation of private property. What could go wrong? 6. He supports repeal of the First Amendment and publicly financed elections. 7. He promises to give workers a stake in the companies they work for. (Through confiscation I suppose, how else would you do it.) I am not a Trump fan but truth is what it is. Under Bernie Sanders, who spent his honeymoon in Soviet Moscow, you have NO RIGHTS, not even freedom of speech. He said bread lines were good. He said the American Dream was more likely to be realized in Venezuela than in America. I know people are intelligent, it's mind bottling that they cannot comprehend basic ideas. Trump has not expanded the powers of the federal government. You will lose you freedoms and your prosperity under AOC, Sanders, or any of these massively authoritarian clowns. Good intentions are no excuse for the horror they seek to bring about. 100 million deaths last century wasn't a bug, it was a feature.
  7. Well I made ~$2500 on the Buttigieg win. Honestly, I need to wager more if I want to move the needle next time. It wasn't a political play at all, the basic idea was that Buttigieg was the only one on the ground outside of mushbrain. So he had an unnatural advantage over the Senators. Better to be lucky than good, I nearly lost it.
  8. Just my personal rec, but you don't need a bus. Everything is right there at the end of the peninsula. It's all walking distance. Blue Mosque, Hagia Sophia, Topkapi Palace it's all right there. Make sure and try their baklava, it's out of this world. I mean seriously, it will blow your mind. Get one good turkish sit down meal. That would be a hell of a day. Also, this place. https://deraliyerestaurant.com/deraliye-min.pdf
  9. You mean like a two year long, $30 million investigation, initiated by a political rival and lacking in probable cause from the very beginning? Yeah, we're never seen anything like that before.
  10. You're not supposed to actually admit that. I mean we all know Dems don't care, but you have to pretend you care. You know the definition of a gaffe?
  11. Minor question, but is it Nahlin, as in Nailin Palin, or like N'awlins LA.
  12. She wasn't wearing a hijab. I suspect you may not be "fully aware".
  13. I mean this in a not very friendlyish way, but do you realize how pretentiously you phrased this post? He is posting like an American. You are comparing his post to a racist. Our country is not made up of such "racists" and he is not one. I urge you to reread his post from the perspective of someone who isn't a pretentious douchebag, or like a normal person who doesn't walk around pretending to be the morality police. You are not morally superior to other posters and your faux superiority is repulsive.
  14. Just being ROTC doesn't get you financial benefits. You have to accept, and be worthy of, a military obligation to get the money.
  15. If you divide by a half, or a third, you are doubling or tripling your cost. #math
  16. This is another reason I hate the Brits. They talk like fags and their shit's all retarded.
  17. It's literally just amazing. If there were crimes, they would have been included in the impeachment. People here actually believe there are crimes, but the Dems simply declined to include them.
  18. But seriously, 9mm is so much better than 40 caliber.
  19. Oh, I apologize. It's not fair to you. I won't make fun of you anymore.
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