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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Thetexashammer

  1. Even in the contest between man and steer, the issue is not certain.
  2. So you welcome foreign intereference if it gives you the outcome you want. The real issue is truth. If Biden is a corrupt piece of shit, voters need to know. If Trump is a corrupt piece of shit, voters need to know. The idea that we should ignore information because we don't like its source is the most childish, absurd thing I've ever heard. And the people who keep screaming it from the rooftops don't even believe it. Since it's nonsense. The idea is ridiculous and its proponents look ridiculous. Truth was the problemwith the Steele dossier, not that it came from Russian intelligence. If it were true nobody would care it came from Putin. If Xi does a trade deal with Trump, should we get mad an Xi for helping get Trump reelected?
  3. So if tomorrow, Putin discloses that he has a videotape of himself and Trump colluding to rig the 2016 election, what would your response be?
  4. I have no idea what this means. Isn't everyone around here upset about foreign interferece in US elections? It's a yes or no.
  5. So we agree that it is not a good thing if Russia interferes in a US election, correct?
  6. And I say "Is it raining outside"? You respond "How dare you ask me that. I will not provide evidence it is raining". It might be raining. It might not. But for damn sure you're a fucking lunatic.
  7. It's right here: https://docs.google.com/viewerng/viewer?url=https://www.whitehouse.gov/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/Unclassified09.2019.pdf It got there because Trump released it. I beg to differ. It is the facts that are infuriating. I get that you think it was a quid pro quo. You really, really want it to be. But your personal preference has no influence on the burden of proof. You are still required to present evidence.
  8. Yeah, that's what I'm asking. Show me some evidence.
  9. So if you do it on official letterhead, it's bad, is that what you're saying? https://www.foreign.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/5-4-18 Menendez joint letter to General Prosecutor of Ukraine on Mueller investigation.pdf Do you think we should prosecute these Senators? You're alleging they broke the law, that they're criminals. Surely they should be prosecuted. I don't want to give away the ending to the movie, but nobody cares that your feelers are hurt. Do you have evidence he threated to withhold foreign aid if they didn't investigate the Hunter Biden situation? I'm all ears.
  10. I'm afraid my ranged weapon would handily defeat your attempted oral attack. I mean, are we talking zombies? Cause the hardest part of the zombie apocalypse will be acting like I'm not excited.
  11. Well yeah but everybody has ammo. It's Texas. Imagine being the only idiot with no ammo.
  12. 33 what? 33 kids she's abandoned?
  13. You remain a charming, lovely, and kind person as always. Good evening sir.
  14. That's your smoking gun? Oh man, that is rich. I needed a good laugh and that delivered. Look, we agree. He should be impeached. We just have different reasoning.
  15. Here's the quote from Trump: Trump didn't follow up on it. Seems like it wasn't that important.
  16. A whole lot of people on your side have been repeatedly arguing that Dems are overplaying their hand. I will state again, many Democrats agree with me. https://www.nytimes.com/2016/10/11/us/politics/who-won-the-debate.html
  17. I admit my assumption was that you were trying to insult me by saying I was gay. What that intended as a compliment? How did you intend it?
  18. When Trump tells Barr to look into the Hunter Biden/Ukraine thing, what is that called? Is it called, as Loretta Lynch once stipulated, a mere "matter"? No, it's proper term is an investigation.
  19. Biden used his office for personal benefit. Of course it is under investigation. You aren't exempt from the law because you're a politician.
  20. Actually, to get techical, I made a prediction. The prediction is pretty much what happens to the approval rating. Let's compare the before and after approval rating according to RCP on the date of impeachment to the date of acquittal. That is the test.
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