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Everything posted by g8rman95

  1. Someone is a Rush fan.
  2. OK, so I have 50' of ethernet cable laying around from the old hardwire connection for the xbox. Tried running that from the router to the STB and it didn't work. During the box boot sequence it got stuck at "cannot set clock" and there were no options to go beyond that. Anyone know anything about getting the STB to work with ethernet only?
  3. Yeah, bundled is cheaper than straight internet, and agreed, how can Verizon not offer wireless boxes in 2018?!?! Additional issue is several of the walls are block versus stud frame where the interior walls are a continuation of the exterior walls so wifi is not as strong as I'd like. We have amazon fire boxes on two of the tv's, but I haven't had the time to try out the basement TV yet. The main level one works fine, but it's in the room next to the office with the router. Phone has ups and downs with the wireless in the basement, so I'm not sure how it's going to workout. Will the Fios boxes work with ethernet cable only? If I'm going to run coax, I'm going to run Cat6 as well so that I can at least hardwire the xboxes, but it would be nice to just run cat6. Have to look into Google wifi. thanks.
  4. New house was a renovation and there are no jacks to connect TV. Are there any good alternatives to hardwire connections. Really don't want to tear up all of the walls to run new coax. I suppose you could get a run to the attic then come down walls, but I"m not sure if you could get all the way on a common wall to the basement, which is where I need three of the drops.
  5. Better ask your husband how to operate the tech stuff.
  6. Lots of shade may make it acceptable for composite, but that shit gets HOT in the sun. I've had plenty of decks made of pressure treated and never had many issues. All wood needs care and the occasional replacement, but still the best bang for the buck IMHO.
  7. It's not a question of "if", but "how many" dicks will be in the first response.
  8. The correct answer to every electrical question!
  9. So good!
  10. yanny
  11. Reston??
  12. +1 Just bought a pack of these to try out as well. I like them better than the Champions that were also purchased at Costco. Fit is good, elastic is more comfortable...all around good underwear and you can't beat the price.
  13. Another vote for Coach. I have this one. carries around 8 cards plus cash and a card or two if needed in the clip. Coach Money Clip Wallet
  14. Wow, first time.
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