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Todd Gack

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Everything posted by Todd Gack

  1. Indeed it is. Another fun fact... did you know Dustin Hoffman was in Star Wars?
  2. Super PAC is my understanding http://apnews.com/article/elon-musk-america-pac-trump-d248547966bf9c6daf6f5d332bc4be66
  3. since Moore is coming back, I'll guess Vasek. As long as fuckface venebles doesn't poach him, I think we'll cope
  4. Speaking as a dad of two little ones, seeing a sandy hook once PER WEEK would be enough to just keep my kids home indefinitely. I imagine millions of parents would do the same, work be damned.... which would effectively grind the economy to a halt. And then maybe the oligarchs who don't give a shit about guns would pressure our elected officials to tell the pseudo-oligarchs who only care about guns to fuck off and pass gun control legislation. So in general I agree with you, but I think the threshold we need to reach is not as far off from present reality.
  5. At present, he's still a sooner so he sucks balls. but if he leaves, how good is he?
  6. Kakistocracy A kakistocracy (/kækɪˈstɒkrəsi/, /kækɪsˈtɒ-/) is a government run by the worst, least qualified, or most unscrupulous citizens.
  7. Democrats gonna democrat. They let fear guide their decisions on this, per usual. Can't give a Palestine sympathizer any speaking time for fear that they'll say fuck the prompter and go off-script. That might hurt the goals of raising $1B to run ads pandering to Liz Cheney's friends.
  8. I think/hope that the Brisket's on this board aren't actively cheering for the extermination of innocent people to teach a lesson to some Americans who voted against the best interests of said innocents. I think it's more an attitude of "this extermination is actively happening, and voting for the fascist will ensure the job is finished, while a vote for the alternative offers some hope that it'll end sooner rather than later - so all you fucktards threatening to withhold a vote or vote 3rd party better come to your fucking senses". And since they did not, the "I told you so" part of us is looking forward to telling them "you voted for this, go fuck yourself". Same with the undocumented people who went maga and are now on the doorstep of being deported. The ugliness in all of us, myself included, is taking up a lot more space in our brains post election. Anger/Lewis Black is manning the controls for the foreseeable future.
  9. The problem with Obama is he eventually fell in line with the Dem party establishment and became a run-of-the-mill corporate democrat. Likely also a big reason a bunch of Dem candidates coalesced behind Biden to make sure Bernie didn't get the nomination in 2020. I think by "trump-type" figure, we need someone who is not beholden to the corporate overlords puling the strings in DC. And who doesn't give a shit about decorum or past demons coming to light. Ideally someone who can raise a bunch of money off of their previous celebrity status. Jon Stewart comes to mind right away, but he'd never run IMO.
  10. My memory is fuzzy on this but IIRC, the cages were used solely to house the children of known criminals who crossed illegally - primarily drug and human traffickers. The parents were kept in jails awaiting trial and deportation and Obama admin had the cages made so the kids wouldn't have to stay in jail with other (presumably dangerous) criminals. Again, I could be way off on that but that's what I remember hearing from my sister who is an immigration attorney in the Valley. Trump used the cages to separate families who entered through ports of entry to LEGALLY claim asylum. And of course he did it so incompetently that some families had to wait months to be reunited.
  11. yep. remember those scenes from Handmaids Tale where they grabbed women and stuck them in the back of police cars and vans to take to Gilead? I'd imagine Trump-style mass deportations would be closer to that than any type of detainment and due process.
  12. It's not the dying that makes me sad. Everyone dies. It's the preventable suffering that will slowly be inflicted upon people - primarily the poor, immigrants, and women. Add in some child suffering due to roll backs of vaccines and the continued deconstruction of public schools... like, as a parent of young kids, is it not a DUTY now to explore moving the fuck out of Texas or even the US? Feels like it's the least I could do for my kids future.
  13. Think about how much everyone fucking hates ted cruz. Now recall how popular and likeable Beto was. And how many of us had hope, largely because of polling numbers, that a likeable decent person could beat a shitstain fuckstick of a man... and then he lost. Also consider that abbott won Uvalde county in a landslide. Texas is firmly red and any other assertion is fake news IMO.
  14. Sam Harris has said a few times on podcasts that he's confirmed the hard 'R' video exists. Wouldn't elaborate on how he knows but he said he was 100% certain. But as others have pointed out, it would barely move the needle at this point because it would surprise precisely no one.
  15. I believe Js1 mentioned a nuke. Though it may have been hyperbole, nukes don't tend to explode in 5x25 mile rectangles. Nobody should be indifferent to a nuke hitting any part of that region. And I agree with the emotion part. Seeing the horrors of war on a smartphone elicits some kind of feeling, speaking personally. Of course I'm able to try and think logically so I know trump will almost certainly make it worse. But I'm not muslim and have no family in Palestine.
  16. I don't think this is accurate. Every major media outlet has a story/article when the Biden admin approves another round of weapons to Israel. Not disinformation. And everyone who has tiktok, twitter, or instagram can see videos of kids with half their face missing or limbs blown off. I have an instagram I share with the wife and the ONLY people we follow are parenting experts, psychologists, teachers, etc. And several times now I've opened the app and the first fucking thing I see is a dead kid from Gaza. I don't think it's propaganda.
  17. That's correct. It's the moral thing to do. Complete weapons embargo until Israel demonstrates that they're at least trying to avoid killing innocent kids - maybe force them to stop bombing schools and refugee encampments. Winning the election has to be about more than just getting the most aipac money they can so they can buy ads telling people how horrible Trump is... everyone already knows.
  18. Generally agree, but I think the bolded part is very hard to have faith in seeing as the current VP evidently cannot (or doesn't care enough to) rein in her senile boss enough to stop sending weapons to aid in a genocide. I mean, yeah there's *some* glimmer of hope that the Dems will tire of seeing dead children on social media and tell Bibi to get fucked, but it's hard to vote based on a glimmer. Of course the other side is a damn-near guarantee that the suffering will continue so voting for the fascists makes zero sense. Maybe the bad poll numbers are just very angry people venting and they'll come to their senses or at least stay home on voting day.
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