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Todd Gack

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Everything posted by Todd Gack

  1. *concrete cement:concrete flour:cake
  2. I thought they kinda went away when the big bank mortgage holders were bailed out. But I'm dumb and may be completely overlooking what you're saying. But yes, the landlords who will be evicting will be financially fucked and the poor bastards who can't move in with their parents will be proper fucked. And crime/drug use/suicides will likely spike. Because we elected a bunch of immoral assholes who don't give a fuck about us. Time to drink.
  3. It's ridiculous, but not unsurprising, that republicans equate the intellect of this woman to a man who wants a cookie for remembering person, woman, man, camera, tv.
  4. someone tweet that to trump with "Momentum!"
  5. Between reading your takes and hearing (or reading the captions - the man is hard to decipher) on Noam's take, I'm starting to think this trump fellow might be doing some real damage...
  6. July 30th here. Already put a deposit down to start daycare Nov 1st... annndd it's time for more bourbon
  7. Hurd throws in the towel on the concept of answering the question that was asked. Also, his glasses are stupid.
  8. took his ball and went home like an orange little snowflake. sad.
  9. "My reaction to this makes me realize I am not as good a person as I should be." yep
  10. something something "states rights"
  11. Crenshaw still a clown. Can't even get his anti-M4A talking points in order against a guy who actually likes him.
  12. yep. This is one of those articles where if even half of it is true, it's still terrifying. https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2017/07/department-of-energy-risks-michael-lewis
  13. I read this in the voice of Larry David and holy shit lol
  14. The Dickel tasted like someone dropped a bottle of multivitamins into a bottle of Jim Beam. Worst bottle I've ever had, even as a mixer. Hopefully your experience is better.
  15. so uh.. Sean Spicer is a WH reporter now? is this real life?
  16. doh! yes, left out the key word. thanks.
  17. and apparently 9/10 of all people tested had no symptoms. this fuckin virus...
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