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Todd Gack

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Everything posted by Todd Gack

  1. Is there a better example of Dunning-Kruger on this board? I can't think of one...
  2. yep. Trump may have dictated that entire statement, so it's probably closer to a 4th grade writing level. https://www.newsweek.com/trump-fire-and-fury-smart-genius-obama-774169
  3. Take FWIW, but even a fox poll has Bernie beating trump. Not that polls are really trustworthy (link shows Biden beating him handily and I think trump would look like the stronger candidate in a debate), but I think Bernie brings back the voters who voted Obama and switched to trump. https://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/2020/president/us/general_election_trump_vs_sanders-6250.html
  4. So uhh... Sondland's fucked now right? How does he not end up serving time?
  5. Give him the benefit of the doubt and say the 3 linebackers will hit the line right before the snap. So 7 vs 11. It's so genius, the Kansas OC will never see it coming.
  6. https://elizabethwarren.com/plans/health-care Her website says she hasn't flipped. I hope she continues to extend her middle finger to the media outlets asking a question they know the answer to at the direction of their advertisers.
  7. Did she not co-sponsor Bernie's bill? What am I missing here?
  8. It's really the only explanation that makes sense. If Liz and Bernie know that projections show M4A will actually save people money (as in the amount in additional taxes will be less than the current premiums/deductibles for the VAST majority of Americans), what other reason could they have for not articulating this to everyone watching these debates. Might it be that some dickface on the trump campaign will clip the soundbite and broadcast through every media outlet that the socialist dems will in FACT raise your taxes to pay for the healthcare of all the dirty mexicans crossing illegally? Remember the doctored clip of Jim Acosta "assaulting" the press room microphone lady? Or shit, Hillary's deplorable comment if we want to see how it plays during a campaign?
  9. So I think I get why dem candidates avoid talking about the additional costs/taxes to pay for M4A, but have any of them addressed the type of expansion to the infrastructure that will be needed? Additional staff, social security offices, a more robust cyber security system to avoid fraud to the system, etc. Seems as if there's an opportunity to say that some jobs (albeit federal jobs only) will be created to offset the loss of jobs in the private insurance sector. Unless the ratio of jobs lost to gained is ridiculously skewed like 50:1 or something. Plus it may play well with the average Joe to point out that all those insurance execs making millions per year on the backs of sick Americans will soon be unemployed and have to sell their beach houses.
  10. I'm ashamed to admit that when several days pass with no board activity from the resident trumpkins, I start to hope that they've finally reached the point where they step back and do some introspection to figure out how they've managed to support and defend such a shit individual running a shit administration. And then zavala will do his random drive-by video propaganda post, or onboard will see the virgin hillary in his tortilla and come back to scream about bengazi or the clinton foundation, or boxofhammers will tell us how all the climate models are wrong, and a little more of my faith in humanity dies. Someday, I'll tell Lucy to just take her football and fuck off.... someday.
  11. I actually thought he hit the hole pretty hard on his first two runs. He brings more of a punch than any other RB on the roster.
  12. Forgot the close quote too. Or did he intentionally add an open quote to confuse people? 4-D chess...
  13. Update after 20 or so listens... Pneuma is my warm Tool blanket. Worth the wait alone.
  14. "In the old days, we were smarter and just executed spys. These officials ratting on my phone call should feel lucky we're not in old times." Is there any other honest conclusion that can be drawn from this particular rambling? There really is no bottom...
  15. Sounds like something a girl named Tori would do.
  16. Couple things... I don't think she answers primarily to avoid giving right-wing ad companies the 0.5-sec clipped video of her saying "yes..." while cutting out the rest of the answer: "...damn near everyone's taxes will increase, BUT, you'll no longer pay for insurance through your employer and 90+% of all Americans will actually save money annually on health care." Secondly, I think she knows that all mainstream media outlets know exactly this, but they're being directed by the healthcare executives (via advertising dollars) to ask these questions framed in a certain way. That being, to make her simply say the word "yes" on video.
  17. And the one response is an editorial from a guy (not a climatologist) who also wrote an article called "Coal is Clean". This is after he laments that "there is a propaganda war and I would encourage you to get past the media manipulation." Jesus... I understand it's easy to think you're enlightened and above it all when you stay in your echo chamber and only ingest info from people who already agree with you. But to then lecture everyone else about propaganda and manipulation is just too much cunty condescension to ignore.
  18. This is what I've read as well - positive feedback. What I don't get is the lack of explanation for basic physics from this hammer fellow. If additional CO2 (whether it lags or leads temp) increases through positive feedback, which in turn causes more temperature increases, then land-locked ice will melt and sea levels will rise. How is that controversial?
  19. I'd argue that the core problem is that the richest country in the history of ever doesn't cover every person who gets sick when the health and longevity of the populace is a cornerstone of a well-functioning society. If you believe healthcare is a right (I do), you should start there and then figure out how to pay for it. Kinda like the way we did it with the bank bailouts. Kinda like thousands of families all over the country who find out that their child has just been diagnosed with leukemia. There is no decision to make, only strategies for how to cover the costs. The current problem with the "how to pay for it" discussion is that it's hard to even get a handle on what the academic research says. The main study that Bernie cites is a somewhat Koch -funded study that shows M4A will save $2 trillion over 10 years. Factcheck.org casts some doubt on that, as does the person who did most of the research. It would be nice if the media dove deeper into these things. But all things considered, other countries have figured this shit out, we should be able to as well. https://www.factcheck.org/2018/08/the-cost-of-medicare-for-all/
  20. Not that I disagree with anything that Hawking 2.0 is asserting, but at which point in our history has a grassroots movement overtaken an industry as large and influential as healthcare in America? Isn't healthcare spending something like 20% of GDP? I imagine a shit ton of very wealthy people will keep their middle finger raised at the people while upping their campaign contributions and keeping the same political whores in office. Asking honestly 'cause I suck at history.
  21. Anyone taking bets on whether or not the new advisor will be a current or former Fox News employee?
  22. You know, if even half of this analysis of our defensive "scheme" deficiencies is accurate, a loss to ou is an almost certainty. And the fact that our def guys haven't done well in the draft becomes less of a mystery.
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