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Posts posted by MidTexHorn

  1. The two non-political women in my living room tonight (my wife and sister) who have been politicized by the Trump shit show in recent years were left aghast by Trump’s behavior in the debate,. I think the low point was his attack on Biden’s boys - lots of audible gasps and “what an asshole” comments. I don’t think Trump won over any white suburban women tonight. 

    • Hook 'Em 5
  2. 11 minutes ago, Mrs Whiggins said:

    I realize that Russia is a convenient boogeyman, but why is there always a connection? I didn't know that Burnett (of Apprentice fame), the former British Army paratrooper was working with Russian officials when he was working on producing 'Destination Mir' and that Putin was involved. It's so far fetched, but why can't it be France or Switzerland for pete's sake.

    Because the Russian oligarchs/mob (same thing) recognize and know how to exploit an easy Mark when they find him?

    • Hook 'Em 3
  3. A little positive anecdote this morning for ya. My co-worker and I are some of the few non-Trumpists that we know of in Midland and accordingly aren't really able to wear our allegiances on our sleeves for business reasons. She was out with friends this weekend, all white young oil professional types. In a conversation which she did not prompt, she said every one of them admitted to having voted for Trump in the last election and they all said they were either sitting out this election or voting for Biden. She was quite pleasantly surprised by the conversation, especially since one does not just casually speak against Trump in this industry or this part of the state. I'm sure at the end of the day, some will likely vote Trump, but just hearing those sentiments expressed was a positive step.

    • Hook 'Em 5
  4. 8 hours ago, Fozzz said:

    Having spent a lot of time in the valley, the conservative hispanics I have met (skewing younger) tend to be predominantly male and tend not to give a shit about immigration and are not even really that religious.  In my experience, they are largely similar in outlook to the stereotypical white, exurb inhabiting conservatives.

    This. Out in West Texas, the second and third generation Mexican Americans are every bit as white trash, flag waiving, gun toting, immigrant hating as their white buddies. Go to the Midland Reporter Telegram Facebook page and look at the comments on any political article. That’ll tell you all you need to know and make you weep for your fellow man. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  5. 1 hour ago, Lobo said:

    and he/they would start each semester by saying something to the effect of, "Okay, young people.  Let's line up there on the wall.  There's a big rumor going around this campus.  I've heard it for many years now.  I hear y'all whispering and giggling about it in the hallways. Okay?  Now, I am aware of what students, what you young people have been saying about me for quite awhile.  Not my first rodeo, I've been at this school for 17 years.  And that rumor...is...that I am very tough grader.  And that's true."  

    After 6 long years with Dan Patrick...know what my favorite fact about him is?  That fully 1/3+ of Surly will go running to the defense of Trump, but nobody will defend Dan Patrick on here despite probably a full third of the site users, maybe more...are active voters/supporters of Dan Patrick.  That's way more interesting to me than the Trump deal..   

    Yup. Just like all of my Republican friends that professed to despise Ted Cruz but lined up to vote for him over Beto. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  6. 25 minutes ago, Superhero said:

    Man, I miss that place. Must've spent the entire summer of '94 there. Moved out of Austin 15 years ago, and still think about their burgers and a pitcher of beer.

    I must’ve pissed next to you in that nasty ass men’s room then because I spent a good portion of my undergrad/law school time there and at the Disch from 93-98. 

  7. This shit must be all over Fox News. My in-laws are all freaked out about it and are sure they’re gonna get shot up. These same folks live in Oak Hill and haven’t been downtown in years. Better chance of getting hit by a speeder on 290 than being in the same zip code as a protest but they are scared to death. This country is so fucked. 

  8. Grew up a preachers kid. Dad was a non-denominational evangelical pastor. Married another preachers kid - her dad was a Baptist pastor. We have both rejected our faith and are disgusted by what our fathers have become (Or maybe what they were). My main regret is that I didn’t leave the faith decades earlier. The disgusting combo of the Republican religion with evangelicalism has been the last straw for me. I spent a significant portion of my life in evangelical churches - the bad stuff y’all are saying about them is 100% true. Took me a long time to get here mentally, but I am convinced that Christ (if he exists) would call them Pharisees and kick them to the curb. 

    • Like 7
  9. 1 hour ago, honolulu horn said:

    Baffling, even with the Cuban / Venezuelan angle posted above. His policy is to call brown people, rapists / murderers / drug lords, build a wall to keep them out, and separate parents from kids at the border while keeping them in cages -- while some die. Should be pretty low hanging fruit for an ad spot or two, aimed directly at Latinx populations. 

    Y’all ever been to West Texas? First, they will laugh in your face at using the word latinx. Second, most of the “mexicans “ out there are more conservative than you can imagine. Don’t believe me? Go to the comments on the Midland Reporter Telegram’s Facebook page and prepare to be amazed. These folks are somewhere to the right of Sarah Palin. 

    • Like 1
  10. 5 hours ago, NameAlreadyInUse said:

    Welp, tomorrow I know one of those people that will be in the up from yesterday counts for positive.  Just found out my dad tested positive.  He was going to work and to the grocery store and that's it so be careful out there Midland.

    Sorry to hear that. Hope he handles it well. Midland is a cluster fuck of conservative bullshittery. Nobody wears masks unless forced to and the mayor is trying to work himself into a Fox News gig by throwing fits about mask orders and preaching about how much he trusts the locals to “do the responsible thing” when they’ve been completely irresponsible all along. 

  11. 24 minutes ago, Walser said:

    Thanks. I fully embrace it.

    I was raised in a conservative "Christian" home and while I do respect and admire a lot of Jesus' ministry I wholly reject organized religion today. 


    You just described me

    • Like 2
  12. My wife went to a medical imaging place this afternoon for a lung MRI as part of some sort of screening her doctor is having her do. She's not sick. She's standing in line to check in behind some dude who was hacking away. He was wearing a mask but my wife said he looked like shit and the nurse gave him a better mask. My wife asked the nurse if the guy had Covid and all she would say is that he had a cough. My wife noped right out of there and told them to cancel her appointment. Threw her mask away when she got home.

  13. Just booked a trip to Vegas for early August - free rooms at Caesars and free non-stop flights on Southwest suckered me in. Still working on convincing the wife that this is a good idea. Hell, still working on convincing myself its a good idea. I have two months to change my mind.

  14. 7 minutes ago, Grandioso said:

    Everyone needs to listen to that MLK clip. It basically makes all the good points and counterpoints that are being raised here, except it's MLK and oratorically / rhetorically perfect. 

    I did and you're correct. Worth the couple minutes.

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