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Everything posted by MidTexHorn

  1. Just booked a trip to Vegas for early August - free rooms at Caesars and free non-stop flights on Southwest suckered me in. Still working on convincing the wife that this is a good idea. Hell, still working on convincing myself its a good idea. I have two months to change my mind.
  2. My brother is there with his 18 year old daughter. Good learning experience for her before she goes off to college in the fall.
  3. I did and you're correct. Worth the couple minutes.
  4. But of course
  5. Man I’d give just about anything if we could get a smart woman in charge in this country for the next decade or so. It’s desperately needed.
  6. Where is your office (edit - her office)?
  7. I’m a white dude. I frequently drive to another neighborhood to jog because it’s a better neighborhood for jogging than my own. I have also walked through probably a dozen home sites during those jogs or while walking my dogs. Haven’t been accosted or shot once. Wonder why.
  8. My brother in law took his wife and teenage kids. They all loved it.
  9. Mostly. I do know a UT biology grad who pushes this shit but she's the exception. Most of the family and friends who I see pushing it on Facebook are evangelicals who are prone to believe every right wing conspiracy theory that comes along. Sadly, that includes my mother and father-in-law who both posted the Plandemic video on Facebook today. What a freaking beat down.
  10. If you are out and about in Midland, you would barely know that anything has changed since last year other than the increased number of realtor signs on every other house. Less than 10% of the customers at HEB wearing masks, almost zero attention to social distancing except where it is enforced in the checkout lines. Huge groups of families hanging out by the duck pond last night, getting food from a food truck, nary a mask to be found. We've had very few cases so far, most of which are associated with a bad outbreak at one nursing home, and people basically believe it can't happen here. Hope they're right.
  11. Sheesh. Can we please get this thread back on topic?
  12. Yeah, it really scares the hell out of me too, since I'm also 52 with no pre existing conditions. Dying because I can't breath is also my number one fear, so this whole thing hits close to home.
  13. Funny this was the top post on the board when I came here this morning to ask the same question. Have a monthly cash game with buddies that I’d like to take online given this virus crap and just wondering what’s the best solution. If I find anything we like I’ll come back and post.
  14. Mind blowing yet completely unsurprising.
  15. It just keeps getting better and better!
  16. Well, it’s been pretty fucking good in this country for several decades for a large percentage of people and we’ve gotten unbelievably fat, dumb and lazy. That may change a lot sooner than any of us thought it would.
  17. Fuck them. Fuck them straight in the ass.
  18. No clue. It was a short conversation. I got the distinct impression that she is trying not to rock the boat and is trying to “follow orders” so to speak. Maybe the higher ups know they don’t have the tests and are keeping that info from the front line providers. Whatever it is she was mega frustrated. My daughter in law is a nurse at Dell Children’s and she said she was not surprised by what my client was telling me.
  19. Had a call with a client who owns a minor emergency clinic here in Midland. She is pissed at the county health people. Says she has three people who she suspects of having the virus, one she’s almost positive about, but they won’t let her test them. They tested negative for flu and then negative on other viruses but she can’t get permission to test for Covid. She says they have the capability - there are three labs in town that could run the test. She thinks they are trying to manipulate numbers to keep confirmed cases out of the news for some reason. I don’t know her politics but I suspect she and her husband are probably Trumpers like everyone else in this town so I found that interesting.
  20. As a former small bit player in the national intelligence apparatus (Air Force intel) and former Republican voter, I am beyond outraged at what these assholes are perpetrating on the country. What a sackless cunt Grenell is. Fucking nut up dude and do your duty as an American. Makes me sick.
  21. Well, considering the fact that the only people in my family who are Trumpkins are the over 70 y.o. set, if they start dying off Trump will definitely be losing support.
  22. Florida will not be kind to Bernie. That place is set up for Biden to dominate. I suspect he'll do very well in NY as well. I think this thing is way closer to over than the current delegate count suggests.
  23. Fuck Susan Collins
  24. Long lines in 90%+ Republican Midland. Several very competitive local races likely bringing out some extra folks.
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