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Everything posted by MidTexHorn

  1. Hey, I have a UT Gov’t degree too, plus I graduated from UT Law. So that means I’m just as smart as you, right? Guess I’m fucked because you are one ignorant excuse for a Longhorn.
  2. Yup, heard this theory at lunch today from a coworker. In this day and age, it's certainly possible although I wouldn't call it the most likely scenario.
  3. Seeing them in Austin Friday night. Seeing Ghostland Observatory the night before at Stubbs. Gonna be a nice long weekend.
  4. My sister who almost never votes and when she does only votes Republican - as in she has literally never voted for a Democrat in her life, just told me she stood in line after work for an hour and 15 minutes to vote a straight Democratic ticket. Hope there are a lot more like her out there.
  5. No I don’t. But maybe they’re 80-20 Republican. I think it’s possible that between the new ones in town and the many new young professionals, the typical 90-10 Midland split for the Republicans may be altered. To what I don’t know, but I suspect it won’t be 90-10. LULZ back at ya, fuckface.
  6. I was just about to post the Midland numbers. My three takeaways: 1) I have no doubt that there will be a higher percentage of Dem voters in that mix than usual, what with all of the influx of oilfield workers and Houston young professionals plus the Beto factor. 2) I have no doubt that Midland will still vote overwhelmingly red. The high turnout in Midland is definitely a sign that everyone, red or blue, will be turning out in record numbers. 3) I still think this bodes well for Dems, as they have way more room for improvement than Repubs. Still a very big uphill climb for Beto et al though. The Dem hope that the Repubs might not turnout out due to complacency or due to some sort of ambivalence over Trump or Cruz was a completely false hope. Anecdotally, my Facebook feed full of fired up religious and gun nuts from my family and friend social circles told me that before we saw these early voting numbers. The reds will turn out. Will the blues? Our nation's future kinda depends on it, but I'm with Brisket on this one. I'll take a double Balvenie.
  7. It energized my apolitical but previously fairly conservative, rarely voting wife to yell at the TV “I am never voting for a Republican again!” She’s also intending to vote on the first day of early voting in Texas. I hope there’s enough women out there like her that it makes a difference.
  8. Man 2008 was such a fun season. I was in Lubbock for that loss and it just made me sad for the team, because I loved that bunch so much. This year doesn't feel exactly like that team, but there are some definite similarities and I have to agree that this is the most fun I've had watching Texas football since then. It's amazing how much of a painful struggle 2009 was at times, given we played in and had a chance to win the national championship. Just not an easy year, that O line suuuuucked!
  9. Fuck these people are weird
  10. I’m drinking and I won’t stop until we beat OU. Then I’ll start again.
  11. I'd take the kids to the fair, stop by the Gameday set, keep an eye out for tickets and if you don't get in just watch on the big screen. It'll still be a great day with the kids and maybe you get lucky and find a deal on tickets.
  12. Report from the bright red hinterlands a/k/a Midland, Texas 1) Saw 2 new Beto signs on the way to work this morning. 2) On my morning run through the heart of Old Midland money neighborhood, saw 2 Cruz signs, a metric fuckton of local City Council race signs and a lot of Mike Conaway for Congress signs. Not surprising - this neighborhood will vote overwhelmingly for Cruz but the vast majority don't want to be viewed as actually liking the guy. From my very unscientific survey of a very unscientific subset of Midland neighborhoods, I'd say the Beto signs outnumber Cruz 2-1 which is surprising to me. Obviously that's not how Midland will ultimately vote, but it does say something about enthusiasm for the candidates. 3) Yesterday's performance by the Republicans has cemented my formerly apolitical wife's move to the left. I quote from a text "I will never ever ever ever vote Republican again!" She announced this morning that she can't wait to vote on the first day of early voting. This is a woman who has voted once in the last two decades. 4) My conservative friends' take - Beto has a great personality, I can see why people like him, but he's a socialist from El Paso, so no.
  13. Just getting their talking points in order. This is a done deal.
  14. He just can't help himself, just like Trump. Once a liar, always a liar, even when it serves no purpose.
  15. This. Stupid line of questioning is stupid.
  16. My wife hates to fly, absolutely hates it. Freaks out the whole time. But she still flies all of the time with me - has to self medicate to do it though.
  17. Definitely seeing more Cruz signs in Midland in the last week, but seeing more Beto signs as well. Everything seems to be amping up. Still surprised by the number of Beto signs in Midland.
  18. 51. I'm not dead yet!
  19. I remember something like that too, but I'm too lazy to go look at the game tape for it.
  20. Saw my first Cruz signs in Midland yesterday while walking the dogs. Sign count - Beto 4, Cruz 2. Midland will still go 80% for Cruz, but it's nice to see a small bit of energy out here in depressingly bright red country for Beto.
  21. 10/25 - Ghostland Observatory at Stubbs 10/26 - White Denim at Mohawk Looking forward to trekking to Austin for that doubleheader.
  22. Yup, this. Went to a Beers for Beto thing a few weeks back in Midland and there was some dude there running for county commissioner or somesuch. Dude couldn't even bother to put on a clean shirt, nearly looked like a homeless man, but he's putting on a stump speech at the Beto event. This guy has 0.00% chance of winning anything in Midland County, but there he was. Felt like a waste of time and potential dilution of the message to be tying that guy to Beto and I'd rather not see that sort of thing right now.
  23. Visited the in-laws in Oak Hill (south Austin for those who don't know) and was amazed by the number of Beto signs. Saw 2 Cruz signs and literally dozens of Beto signs in their neighborhood. Of course, Beto needs to do big business in places like Austin if he hopes to win, but I was amazed at the sheer number of signs.
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