Interesting little anecdote from my Facebook feed this morning. Every couple of days I'll post something about Beto, positive supportive stuff. An old Air Force friend of mine who is a big time gun nut conservative type from out of state will always use my post as a reason to launch into a bunch of standard right wing butt hurt attacks against Beto, libruls, etc. Of course I engage because I just can't help myself. Yesterday we had a long conversation that got rather heated when I invoked Trump, lying, etc.
This morning, a number of friends chimed in to defend me which is always nice, but I was shocked when a very VERY conservative buddy chimed in to say that he agreed with me about Cruz's negative politics. Said that despite agreeing pretty much 100% on Cruz's policy points, he is very disappointed in how he is running his campaign. Shocked this shit out of me. He'll never vote for Beto, but it was interesting to see that Cruz isn't necessarily winning any friends amongst the more thoughtful conservatives out there.