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Scary Stranger

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Everything posted by Scary Stranger

  1. Season 2 production wrapped. https://www.comingsoon.net/tv/news/1677355-severance-season-2-production-wrap-apple-tv
  2. TX playoffs start next week.
  3. Nobody can be that likeable in real life. He probably drowns puppies or something. Movies looks awesome. Let's fucking go, indeed.
  4. You guys going to hate fuck or what?
  5. Masturbating? But what about watching this show when you're done?
  6. For fucks sake.
  7. Doesn't Filoni pretty much decide what is the reservation these days?
  8. This ump sucks cock.
  9. Or the first time he's said it.
  10. I hope deadpool makes several uncomfortable jokes about Kang/Majors.
  11. No. It gets much worse. The fight in episode 1 was the high point.
  12. Well, it was ordered after She Hulk initially where they had the less-dark Daredevil. My hope is this is them scrapping that to send it back the direction of the original series.
  13. https://www.instagram.com/reel/C4q7WWZg3HU/?igsh=em96OTc5c2M1cnN2
  14. That sucks. Used to love SCTV.
  15. Fucking bastard.
  16. or South Austin's mom's vagina.
  17. Davis: “I look at our community. The fact that I lived in Dallas and that I’m from this area, I think relate to the metroplex. I think the focus ought to be on the general manager, the manager, and the players. Once you take that spotlight away from them, you’ve diminished the team. And that’s why I like doing things the way I do.” That's some quality shade.
  18. My 2 sons play in DFW. Both large and angry d-poles.
  19. Has Martin Lawrence had a series of strokes or is he just drunk for this entire movie?
  20. It's a shame that all these Australian actors keep getting cosmetic surgery. Thor really fucked up his nose.
  21. They should have looked under the car.
  22. Well, he did try to put his testacles all over that French girl back in high school. Should have seen it coming.
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