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Scary Stranger

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Everything posted by Scary Stranger

  1. Yeah. You read that somewhere.
  2. What direction could they go with a recast that makes sense or do they just say screw it and figure everyone would know why they did it? What direction could they go with a recast that makes sense or do they just say screw it and figure everyone would know why they did it? Edit: And by direction, I mean do they age the character up or something? I didn’t see Ant-man so I don’t know how the character ended up.
  3. Saw a Scott’s weed and feed commercial during the WBC with the red-headed north of the wall guy from Game of Thrones. He’s normal sized! What kind of bullshit is this? I thought he was like 6’6”! To quote my son when he found out about Santa “Liars! You are liars!”
  4. Bro, do you even lift?
  5. Made some Costco pork ribs today.
  6. Watched it last night. Pretty lame. Couple of good action scenes. Not bad enough to make me turn it off…. But just barely.
  7. Well, fuck.
  8. LOL at the Coke commercials during MM trying to convince us that WBB player is the best ever at anything. C’mon now.
  9. WTF. Did you see that Jack Links peeing Sasquatch commercial during March Madness?
  10. That's cricket.
  11. That was a bit of a bloodbath. Loved it. Is there a more un-athletic looking guy in the 6 Nations than Finn Russell?
  12. Happen to have a link to that list?
  13. I have but they were still bad.
  14. The pirates were cringy bad.
  15. The single take gun fight was pretty rad. Not sure which ep that was.
  16. That should have been the 2nd episode with a focus that story for the season.
  17. I'm a fucking idiot.... as if there was any doubt.
  18. Speaking of which. Looks like rearranged footage mostly. This the shot of the subterranean city is new.
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