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Scary Stranger

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Everything posted by Scary Stranger

  1. My point was it probably would/should have been caught earlier. I have 2 friends that have both been diagnosed with late stage cancer that are in the same boat.
  2. Lot of people paying for not going to the doctor for a couple of years.
  3. Dude. Rat Patrol and Combat were awesome.
  4. Accents bothered me too. The girl on girl made us check out with the kids. Sounds like it isn't worth watching on my own.
  5. Yes. Jordan Morris. That’s what we need.
  6. Thanks for that.
  7. Kind of anti-climactic season finale.
  8. Close. Gimli.
  9. Who's the blue guy?
  10. Hate that guy with his never ending sweater combos and his huge hands.
  11. I saw him out there celebrating without a shoe and no bandage or anything on the ankle. Couldn't be too bad, right?
  12. Game 7 hockey
  13. Putting fucking Shaq Moore in. Great. We’re fucked.
  14. Put fucking Gio in.
  15. She was on SNL? I hate Funderstruck.
  16. Grealish is a douche.
  17. I got about 20% through the book and got distracted. Need to pick it back up. The show is nothing like the book but stands on its own merits as solid sci-fi.
  18. Too much focus on the skanky friends, IMO.
  19. Pretty pretty good.
  20. They said thats what it stood for in ep 3.
  21. Heh. Fuck those whiny fuckers.
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