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Scary Stranger

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Everything posted by Scary Stranger

  1. I’d watch that if there were boobs.
  2. I think he’s just a lonely old man.
  3. Well, they probably scared 1/2 the littler kids to death with Dr. Strange 2 so they knew they'd have to go light on the next one.
  4. Yeah, I thought the actress did fine with what she was given.
  5. I know it was aimed at tweens but the action really sucked in this one. Villains were lame as well.
  6. I need a screaming goat ringtone.
  7. Except for Fool’s Gold. That’s a romantic comedy classic. Mainly because I’m in it. But a classic nonetheless.
  8. Ah. I thought Carr was older than that.
  9. Must have missed it. Which one was he?
  10. Yeah. I’m not reading all that. Can you sum that up for me in gif form, please?
  11. "Guys. Guys. We can beat the mindflayer.... stay with me here.... if we all get naked and try to butt fuck each other... I mean, the mindflayer. Butt fuck the mindflayer"
  12. Few episodes in and it’s pretty good. Definitely dad TV.
  13. That sounds like something some who doesn't have a PhD in evolutionary biology and paleontology would say.
  14. Going to have to make them all Seniors so they at least look their ages by then.
  15. Ah. I thought Season 4 was it. Nice.
  16. Hmmmmmm... "Epic SEASON finale".
  17. So was the gay scene that they are throwing a fit about just a kiss or were they full on cartoon scissoring?
  18. Saw it with the family last night. Enjoyed it thoroughly.
  19. You knew the guy in the Tesla was up to something. KK’s friend is much hotter.
  20. The emo looking dude that was looking at the blueprints with them?
  21. Obviously. Thanks for pointing that out with your mild criticism of my writing.
  22. Seriously. Comment of trying too hard doesn't equal being upset.
  23. Oh go fuck yourself. I was more referring to the shoe horning of the prayer in the first 10 seconds, the gay teacher, the trans kid in the hallway. All in the first 5 minutes. ie trying too hard. I am fully aware of the character and her background. Sanctimonious prick.
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