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Scary Stranger

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Everything posted by Scary Stranger

  1. This was my only issue with this one as well. Nate was early season 1 Nate. Would have made more sense to have this story line in episode 1 and then his being an ass as a result of his new direct approach.
  2. Torrents are the way.
  3. There was never a switch to med school. THERE WAS NEVER A SWITCH TO MED SCHOOL.
  4. Not sure what you’re talking about. Scrubs ended with the scene of him leaving the hospital walking through the corridor of patients that he’d lost through the series.
  5. Yeah, you knew it was coming but their reactions were still pretty damn funny.
  6. And here is his follow up:
  7. Strange Days was awesome.
  8. Nobody else notice the nipple bars on Athing Mu?
  9. Yeah. Good luck with that.
  10. Depends on if that’s season 1 or season 2 Beard.
  11. I took my kids to see it in the theater. I expect a handwritten thank you.
  12. Yeah, I've been known, much to my wife's horror, to tell other people's kids to cut their shit.
  13. Agree with the above. Felt forced. It was like Ted Lasso doing a Ted Lasso impression. No natural flow.
  14. Looks pretty good.
  15. I said this almost word for word.
  16. Not to justify jackassedry but the past year and 1/2 have really, really fucked with a lot of people mentally. I've been surprised by some people that I thought had their shit together losing it at the weirdest things. But she could also just be a stupid, selfish bitch.
  17. Can you message me the link to the place? Was thinking about doing exactly this next summer.
  18. Where are you staying for the month?
  19. I have a bad knee so I stand as early as is feasible (when in coach) because my knee hurts like a sonofabitch after sitting for extended time.
  20. The correct phrase here is 'Get you hands off my fucking bag.' Apparently it is more effective if you say it twice.
  21. The correct phrase here is 'Get you hands off my fucking bag.'
  22. Any of you seeing this tomorrow or even tonight? Got tickets with the kids for the first time back in the theater in forever.
  23. Looks like he’s going to wreck shit next week.
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