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Scary Stranger

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Everything posted by Scary Stranger

  1. Must have gotten decent enough response to the Raya movie to think they'll recoup enough on it.
  2. Don't think I saw anyone talk about their decision to release Black Widow via D+ on July 13th. Glad it is finally seeing the light of day.
  3. Yeah, I thought Reyna's body language was horrible. Maybe he's really feeling his slump but thought he did indeed act like a little bitch.
  4. Although I'm not sure I'm onboard with their insistence that the sitcom episodes were soooo funny.
  5. Anything for Village of the Year.
  6. Hopefully that doesn’t include 9 minutes of fucking credits like WandaVision.
  7. The heart doesn't want his fucking brother to write another one. Last one sucked.
  8. Michael B Jordan can't act for shit but I'll watch any way.
  9. Damn. Why did they age up the kids so dramatically? The son's freakout scene about fires and burglars was one of the best parts of last season.
  10. Ah. That’s right. Good one.
  11. Was introducing my kids to the 1985 action classic ‘Commando’ last night. The great Bill Paxton has a bit part as a radar controller. Wonder if that’s his first step to greatness. https://media0.giphy.com/media/ZuRkV9FEo1dra/giphy.gif?cid=5e214886a9oc9ustk3basra0ba3cukzewa5e3jwxvquwbgs8&rid=giphy.gif
  12. Apparently his dong is 3 feet long and ribbed for her pleasure.
  13. Supposedly, after the first few weeks, an overarching story emerges.
  14. Anybody watch this last night? I expect that it will suck, especially when compared to Hannibal from a few years ago.
  15. I think you're all just misogynists that think a overweight middle-aged woman can't kick 4-5 guys asses w/o breaking a sweat. She has skillz.
  16. Nurse’s ass is yuuuuggeee.
  17. Yeah, looks like she put on the Covid 40 with all the gyms closed in California.
  18. The guys that Loy sold the stolen guns to at cost earlier in the season. That's what he meant by 'Fargo'.
  19. Gonna watch first episode after I get the kids off to school this morning.
  20. Wonder what the % split is between actual locals and visitors from across the border. Purely curiosity. They should all receive treatment, of course.
  21. Did the players test after the coach was positive? I'm assuming the coach had symptoms but did any of the kids?
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