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Scary Stranger

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Everything posted by Scary Stranger

  1. Is that an actual thing or a theory? I haven't heard anything about that.
  2. Hank Hill. Hank Hill is enjoying himself.
  3. I'm not saying that if you search her name on PornHub that there are a couple of videos of a chick that looks just like her getting railed. But I'm not saying there's not.
  4. Looking for something beyond just a normal steakhouse to host a client dinner near the convention center. Contemplating Garrison's, Geraldine's or Fixe but that's just from looking at their menus online. Thoughts?
  5. Question about the last episode's intro:
  6. This shit is getting people canned but they'll still give Roman Polanski a fucking standing ovation.
  7. Man, Cruise is going to run so much and so fast in this one.
  8. Why is he dressed like my Aunt Barbara?
  9. They need to come up with a snappier name... like stargate.
  10. After getting stoned and watching the puppet episode of Angel (or possibly Buffy Vampire Slayer) apparently.
  11. Had me up until the 'America first' chant. Took me right out of the story. If I want additional Trump bashing, can turn on pretty much anything else.
  12. Have they said if Judy is adopted or did mom have a hook up? I must have missed that. Regardless, the two white kids are a beating.
  13. Funny. Mine has walked in a couple of times. "What are they doing? Why are they killing everyone? What's going on?" "It's ok, honey. They're all robots'.
  14. link? I tried them a few weeks ago and was disappointed. Don't think I had the right temp/duration or something.
  15. They were dropping fucks and shits at 7:45 last night.
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