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Scary Stranger

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Everything posted by Scary Stranger

  1. What kind of psychopath is making the commercials at Wendy’s? Eating a breakfast burrito from the middle? You monster.
  2. Has anyone tried to stream the Victory app from their phone via hdmi? I plugged my iPhone in via hdmi and the app just crashes (or shuts down on purpose).
  3. Beastiality but I don’t think that’s relevant here.
  4. I didn't even make it 10 minutes into that... and it wasn't because i was done masturbating.
  5. Let me know if you want to donate any tickets to get a tax write-off. My kids lacrosse org is doing a silent auction on 11/11 and are looking for tickets. For real tho.
  6. I bet that River is going to be banging the blonde next season.
  7. Well, I guess you just weren't born the cheesiest.
  8. It’s available on Hulu in Dallas as well.
  9. David E. Sanger, Eric Schmitt and Ronen Bergman?
  10. https://www.espn.com/soccer/story/_/id/41702811/playing-mauricio-pochettino-usmnt-expect-new-manager
  11. Bummer. I am work friends with one of the owners. She said it was coming. They expanded and then covid hit and they never managed to recover.
  12. Dumba better beat the shit out of anybody that takes liberties on our young guys.
  13. Any 20-something that has boner issues with the smokeshows on those bluechews commercials needs to just come out of the closet. Thats just embarassing.
  14. Well, I’d still like to give her my seed.
  15. I have travelled 500 miles to give her my seed!
  16. My wife has 75,000 rolls stockpiled. I will sell you a roll of my finest double-ply for only $1,000.
  17. Probably the only one that's closed in the last 6 months that I actually drink if I see it.
  18. My comment has fuck-all to do with Israel or their actions. My point is it doesn’t matter what they do or do not do, so no change in environment is going to make a squirt of piss of a difference. I couldn’t care less if they are a country other than it gives the M.E. someone to hate other than us.
  19. Yep. There is no altering of the environment that will appease the enemies of Israel other than the destruction of the country and the death of all the Jews.
  20. I liked it when she got squashed by the giant.
  21. Vic looks like Weston McKinney.
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