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Everything posted by Rholl

  1. who cares how Watts did in Columbus..... I hope he comes in and becomes a lock down corner or a ball hawking safety and NFL teams start looking at him as a day 1 draft prospect.
  2. when the Ewers thread devolves into cereal talk.......the reason why the Horns suck becomes obvious.....hate me if you will..
  3. For some odd reason Cuban has to be fucking this team on purpose...... noone can fuck a roster this badly over and over. Dont ask me why? But it has to be on purpose
  4. Got damn... Welcome to Texas.... first time???????
  5. tell me your a pussy without telling me your a pussy!!! Jesus .... its a little cow shit, you will be ok
  6. hopefully years 5-6-7 he is above average DH and they develop a young SS to fill that hole.
  7. I think I have read that Sonny Gray is on the block.... Package IKF, Foscue and a low level SS for him???
  8. send 25 to the locker room!!!! He sucks so hard he cant be trying!!! Give reps to a young guy
  9. Can we get the basketball tip time moved up?????
  10. why are any coaches being fired???? Fucking front office lost on purpose.
  11. how the hell did they beat ohio st?
  12. Jordan Elliott boom or bust?
  13. Im sure they will shit all over another 2 million fans nxt yr also!!!!!
  14. Sark got Arkansas dick drug across his face repeatedly
  15. Colorado coaches shit the bed today!!!!!
  16. Lets see Everman won state in 01 (Sinton) and 02 (Burnet)... if I remember correctly Everman was down to Burnet when they lost a player on a tackle (paralyzed neck down) and that seemed to focus them and they pulled off the 2nd title in a row.
  17. 15 whole minutes in Olympics and sat the whole bronze medal game .... now not seeing the floor in summer ball???
  18. Maybe I’ve missed this convo on here... but what is going on with Josh Green?????
  19. I think eventually there will be 4 20 team power conferences.... each conference will have 2 10 team divisions. Playoffs will be winner of each division for every conference.
  20. the Rangers hate American cash!!!!
  21. why???? Cause Oregon has to go 1600 miles to get a player????? F Nike and their “we are for china”
  22. Wait!!! I may have missed this, but is Aggie hanging a NC at their baseball field.... cause SECSEC
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