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Everything posted by Rholl

  1. Sark got Arkansas dick drug across his face repeatedly
  2. Colorado coaches shit the bed today!!!!!
  3. Lets see Everman won state in 01 (Sinton) and 02 (Burnet)... if I remember correctly Everman was down to Burnet when they lost a player on a tackle (paralyzed neck down) and that seemed to focus them and they pulled off the 2nd title in a row.
  4. 15 whole minutes in Olympics and sat the whole bronze medal game .... now not seeing the floor in summer ball???
  5. Maybe I’ve missed this convo on here... but what is going on with Josh Green?????
  6. I think eventually there will be 4 20 team power conferences.... each conference will have 2 10 team divisions. Playoffs will be winner of each division for every conference.
  7. the Rangers hate American cash!!!!
  8. why???? Cause Oregon has to go 1600 miles to get a player????? F Nike and their “we are for china”
  9. Wait!!! I may have missed this, but is Aggie hanging a NC at their baseball field.... cause SECSEC
  10. Sucks for the guys looking to potentially be drafted this yr, but the MLB draft is only 20 rounds this year
  11. so what happens tomorro if they test again and get a negative.... that means a false positive on friday..... SECSEC BS right??????
  12. anyone starting to think shaka was just coaching his way to a buyout???? I cant think of any reason things were so shitty
  13. Rangers ownership sucks ass.... $80mil per year tv contract money and they are content to trot out this shit show roster and charge their fans MLB ticket prices....
  14. Horns getting diced up by 88-91
  15. I expect Rangers to get no-hit thru 6.2 tomorro!
  16. Texas Rangers..... charging their fans MLB ticket prices for a AA team!!!!!
  17. 25 dudes sitting around at an autograph event...... and 3 dudes got a line.... the rest are lookin for scraps........
  18. the explanation for the reversal @ home is bullshit.... the umpire saw a homeplate touch or he signals nothing....he signaled safe meaning he saw a plate touch.
  19. so in theory how does this work?...... a guy wants to test the pro but not hire and agent.... but coaching staff sees a guy they like better in the portal..... they bring in transfer and tell the guy testing pro waters to go ahead... we have filled your spot..... IDK how this works!
  20. hit it where they aint
  21. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.dallasnews.com/sports/rangers/2021/05/08/nick-solak-isiah-kiner-falefa-becoming-the-als-best-middle-infield-combo-may-offer-rangers-some-intriguing-options/%3foutputType=amp
  22. Home is Austin.... might as well be liberal California
  23. whats faster Parsons 40.... or Parson whipping his dick out to dry hump a team mate while said team mate was being held down??????
  24. Thats why I think all football 40’s need to be ran in full gear..... why do i care fast you are in shorts and track shoes? Lets get geared up and run those 40’s and lets see how well you carry the pads.
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