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A-Tex Devil

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Everything posted by A-Tex Devil

  1. She’s basically disappeared, right? Did she even speak at the convention? She tried to ride the fence and is going to be left out in the cold by society and her family. Daddy can’t be thrilled that she isn’t fighting the good fight on the women voter front. They have that sweet sweet Saudi money though.
  2. Well, ostensibly, he'd have to make filings of his sales, so we'd know if him dumping was the reason the price cratered. Or just stack it up to another thing he probably will get let off the hook for...
  3. It’s only the case because dems clutch their pearls at their own gaffes and republicans don’t. And the Pubs/MAGA flood the zone with so much insane shit the media has just given up where if Biden slurs himself into a maybe it was/wasn’t insult of MAGA it’s some kid of big deal. Stop pearl clutching and apologizing and stand behind it/ignore it. Give it no oxygen and give the faux outrage to statement’s like Biden’s no oxygen.
  4. They clearly have data showing that this line of ads likely has the most impact. Whether that is more toward getting their own base out or pulling in undecideds/apathetics, I'm not sure. But I agree it is perplexing as much as it is damning of what they think or our electorate and/or our electorate in general.
  5. Hinchcliffe doesn’t think he should distinguish between a roast and a major party presidential rally. And he thinks that makes him cool. He was great roasting Tom Brady. He should get fucking spit-roasted for today and deserves all of what he gets.
  6. Hinchcliffe’s shtick belongs in the shock comedian subgenre where he seems to be quite successful. A presidential rally is going to get him some backlash by those (a majority) that don’t hang at The Mothership on the reg. His tweet back at Walz is about as snowflake as it gets.
  7. NSIAP. This is part two of A Night at the Garden and Stephen Miller’s speech sealed it. Just waiting on Orban to make a surprise appearance. 6 minutes and 15 seconds worth watching. https://anightatthegarden.com/
  8. The only reasons to vote for Trump are partially laid out by HellesBier. Some combo (not necessarily all depending on the voter) of that voter being racist/greedy/wealthy/selfish/low information/single issue abortion voter. I hear the “you can’t get anywhere persuasively insulting the other side”. And, yes, with a normal candidate, that’s true. But with Trump, anytime after drill in on why someone supports Trump or is willing to hold their nose and vote for him given all he’s done and said and plans to do, it boils down to the above.
  9. As a Duke fan, though, zero points from 6TOs is inexcusable. That’s my solace this morning. Team put itself in that position.
  10. Manny Diaz’ OC is god awful. I do not think much happens good for Duke in OT. Separately I thought it was a penalty to try to leap over a lineman? Still super athletic play and block.
  11. Pennsylvania isn’t getting delayed. I am less concerned about fuckery in that state. She just needs to win it. NC and GA are the two I worry about but I’m hopeful she doesn’t need them. Worst case as others have said is that this comes down to one state like 2000. That state may truly be a battleground of sorts for 8 weeks.
  12. My biggest issue is how so many of the finer details of the Italy trip are known so well by the parents. For instance - that she let the kid die via silence. It makes me wonder if the flashbacks are actually an unreliable narrator. The version the parents think happened. And they keep hammering the point that the Katherine character dies in the book. That I am sure will mean something at some point.
  13. Randall’s Westlake this morning ~30 minutes. Easy.
  14. Bad News Bears Breaking Training is superior to the original.
  15. Mind posting The Oatmeal link? I hadn’t seen that one.
  16. If we miss play-in or are in playin by one game we can look back to this home game against a shitty team. The West is going to be too tight for losses like these.
  17. The government was doing the right thing in ET and the kids potentially put us all in danger by breaking Merton Hanks out of there.
  18. Fair. I am doing that within my family with small success. This place is for venting, for the most part.
  19. While I applaud Stros and you for stepping in, it’s fair to challenge why he thinks Trump will be good for most if not all of his laundry list of issues. Combine that with the fact that Trump is a felon, and hopefully people understand why it is mind boggling that folks want to vote for this guy unless they are some combo of greedy/selfish/low info/racist and I’ll add single position abortion voter. And I think it’s scarier to a lot of us that >40% of the country probably falls into that bucket.
  20. I’ve had this guy, Destiny, pushed to me on social media. He is some former gamer that has become a Democrat social media influencer. He is constantly debating Trump supporters. He’s really, really good at attacking these guys with facts - like Jordan Peterson and their ilk, and just shutting them down. When I watch these debates, Destiny is destroying them, but the MAGAts don’t see it. They somehow think their dude is getting one over. It’s fucking cognitive dissonance combined with stubbornness. Two realities.
  21. I think the idea that Trump is going to improve any of the things Stros lists as his issues is telling. Trump doesn’t give a shit about any of that stuff. He doesn’t have policies that will improve any of it outside of forceable deportation that will be another Japanese Internment Camp tragedy if implemented. So while I disagree with a lot of what Stros wrote, and I appreciate the effort, I’d like to understand how Trump is going to improve any of that and how Harris is going to make any of that worse. A feeling? This is the issue. Voters don’t understand how their pet issues get addressed and how and what POTUS can or plans to do to address them. It’s “democrats bad for economy and border” “republicans good”. Based on what exactly? Exactly. For instance, the “Trump is better for my Taxes” paradox. If you are making less than $300k in income in Texas, aren’t self employed, and own a home, Trump’s “tax cuts” were probably objectively worse given the SALT caps. That people can’t see that Trump is mentally, ethically, and criminally unfit to hold the office of POTUS is a chilling indictment of >40% of our country being some combo of selfish, greedy, dumb and racist.
  22. This. You put Kamala’s policies on a sheet side by side with Reagan and outside of abortion they’d be mostly in line. My dad said he has never voted for trump but won’t vote Dem either for “reasons”. I told him if he wants his party back he needs to purge it by voting dem. But people are so broken brained with party over country that they can’t bring themselves to do it even though they are pretty damn close on policy. Outside of taxes, where he is probably actually benefited by not having Trump’s SALT cap, he can’t name a policy Kamala has that will harm him. But he “knew her as a prosecutor” (I don’t know what that means other than he was in-house opposite of her at some point back when he still lawyered). Fuck that noise. It’s so dumb. And it’s typical. We need a better permission structure in the GOP I guess to convince people they won’t spontaneously combust if they vote or the D at the top of the ticket. GWB, Paul Ryan, Mitt Romney, Mike Pence, I’m looking at you chicken shits.
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