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A-Tex Devil

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Everything posted by A-Tex Devil

  1. Haven’t finished it yet but watching Paws of Fury with the kids and it’s basically Blazing Saddles for kids. With Mel Brooks playing parallel role to the Governor. Respect.
  2. I disagree. It’s turning their dumb chant against them. And I don’t think there is anything wrong with having a bit of an edge. It’s not mutually exclusive with Michelle Obama’s credo and I don’t thinn anything Biden said last night was “going low”.
  3. Dunno. I think it’s fucking awesome.
  4. Exactly. As I said above, Hilary backtracked/avoided the "deplorable" comment at the time after she said it. Sure, she has doubled down since she lost, but had she been more aggressive at the time, particularly in those 3 or 4 states she presumed she'd win and ignored, who knows? We need to stop tip-toeing around the fact that MAGA Republicans (I love it as a new pejorative that will hopefully stay historically accurate - MAGA sounds derogatory when you say it) aren't good for this country. The Dems don't need to win them over anymore and they should stop trying. They need to convince the rest of the party that don't vote/hold nose and vote Trump/write in/vote libertarian that they should think like Cheney and Kinzinger and put team aside for now to flush MAGA out of power or into Larouche-land where they belong. Let Trump make the "I guess he doesn't want to MAGA, so why should he president?" comments. It's pedantic and as stupid as his claim that he didn't leave the top secret docs on the floor. The only people buying that are the ones that are already devoted to him.
  5. No. Some of the worst mistakes of Hilary and Obama were backing off the “deplorables” and “clinging to their bibles and guns” comments. Biden is packaging that into “MAGA Republicans”. That group is lost. Bucket them with the fascists and racists. Don’t apologize for it.
  6. Good timing. Have an 8 and 4 year old and we are booking Park City for next Spring Break. I was a pretty good skier in college but life got in the way and it’s been 20 years. Still, I want kids to learn. Wife probably can’t ski due to prior injury so plan is to put kids in a three day school, go to a one day school myself, then just see how it goes. Wife can do spa, we can all do snowmobiles one day, etc. Anyway, I think I have the logistics worked out but curious if there is a “better” ski school for the kids in Park City to try to join as I’d prefer to stay close to that We have a few AirBNB options - one near where the alpine coaster is and one a 5 minute walk from Town Lift. I am familiar with Vail but know fuck all about Park City and want to avoid rookie mistakes. TIA.
  7. A-Tex Devil

    Austin FC

    NY Red Bulls was worse, notwithstanding the crazy ending. This was one of those games like a late '90s/aughts USMNT game where we beat a Brazil or a Spain in a nothing competition like the confederations cup or something. Hardly any possession, hit our one or two SOG and got super lucky on finishing by the other team. I'd be stunned if xGoals on this game isn't like 3 to 1 AFC or something like that.
  8. A-Tex Devil

    Austin FC

    Yeah...... start Rigoni this weekend and see what's there. He's good.
  9. A-Tex Devil

    Austin FC

    I have no idea why and when coaches sub and don't sub. Two defenders? I get Jimenez is back and all, and we need depth at outside back, but seems like you put Wolff in.....
  10. A-Tex Devil

    Austin FC

    I feel like we are normalizing our actual goals to statistically expected goals all in one night...
  11. A-Tex Devil

    Austin FC

    Felipe, man..... that was Brazilian
  12. I do think that the parts of the GOP is trial ballooning through Rove and others if they can pry the base back. That they failed to do this with the "stolen election" claims makes me thing it's too late. But it appears they are trying. Mitch McConnell's silence is deafening. Once he sees this effort tip back towards or away from Trump will be when he speaks up.
  13. A-Tex Devil

    Austin FC

    Would really like us to move Ring back and bench Perreira if Rigoni is good.
  14. A-Tex Devil

    Austin FC

    Houston’s goalie did not look like that against us. That save after it hit crossbar was sick. Even more at stake if Houston can hold on.
  15. What Woodlands hotel bar is the afterparty on the 16th? That's the real question. Ought to have a Shaggy HH there that same day.
  16. You said “indoctrination”. If you are backtracking to “not objective” I guess I’ll take it? That list of attendees really is a clown show though. Surprised DJT and Guilfoyle aren’t making it for lazy river orgies at the Convention Center.
  17. Someone better with graphics than me out to put in diagonal red letters on each picture about what each of these assholes has been up to. Like Ken Paxton: Indicted for Fraud, Matt Gaetz: Accused Statutory Rapist, or something like that. Needs to be truth to all of them to make effective but I imagine it’s not that hard. Then shame the church for putting on the event.
  18. This was a slorch drive by. He knows he is wrong and/or prefers whatever they’ll be espousing at Grace. Accusations and confessions and whatnot in his original posts on this thread. Id love to show up with a “Where’s Luke?” sign with his mugshot. That a church of all places thinks these are good folks to put in front of children/young adults shows how fucked up suburban Texas still is.
  19. Forget it. He’s (t)rolling. This conference is so on brand for The Woodlands.
  20. A-Tex Devil

    Austin FC

    Fagundez for USMNT!!!! I mean, if they are thinking Jordan Morris, amirite?
  21. A-Tex Devil

    Austin FC

    I don’t understand why we haven’t made 3 subs yet. Dudes are tired.
  22. A-Tex Devil

    Austin FC

    Valencia? Like to see it. Let’s see if he’s worth a damn.
  23. A-Tex Devil

    Austin FC

    We need to sub before they get 2. This is a Felipe game.
  24. A-Tex Devil

    Austin FC

    Especially with all of the roster crap LAFC is dealing with. Can’t believe they sold Rodriguez. Bale is on the golf course already and isn’t going to hurt himself for WC. There may be a chance.
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