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A-Tex Devil

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Posts posted by A-Tex Devil

  1. 2 minutes ago, SubliminalHorn said:

    At this point you put up the candidate with the best chance to beat that piece of shit. Beto, as his veep, runs in 2024. 

    Or Joe resigns a year or two in and Beto nominates Kamala as interim Veep. Noted that this is a bad and unlikely scenario. 

  2. Has anyone run the math on Governor and Senate races on Tuesday, and then for states that didn’t have one, just default to 2016 Pres election, to see what an electoral college map would look like?  

    I know that ignores the personalities of the ultimate candidates in 2020, but given what happened in states like Wiscy, I wonder what that looks like   



  3. 6 minutes ago, Johnny Sack said:

    Dems won the house by less than predicted. GOP won senate by more. And governors by more than we thought. 

    The Senate was a pipe dream.  All that matters was the house.  Doesn't matter by how much.  The next two years are going to be hell on Trump.  Then let's see if Kasich or Romney get frisky in next 6 months. 

    All the governor races showed is that white people in the south still don't like voting for black people (seriously, the number of votes Nelson received over Gillum tells you all you need to know).  

  4. Just now, Get ln My Van said:

    Zion is a freak. Those duke freshman will go 1, 2, 3 in the draft

    Zion is 4th best player on Duke after Barrett, Reddish and Jones.  He is awesome and fun, but a lot of what he is able to do, and will be able to do, will be because of those guys.


    (And yes, McConnell is in)

  5. 10 minutes ago, Message Board User said:

    If we're calling Ohio & Florida red states then the electoral map is that much more difficult for the Dems.  But hey, we still got the popular vote right?

    Florida just flipped itself to blue with the referendum they correctly passed tonight.  

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  6. Took my 4 year old to Bee Cave Library to vote today.  We get in the voting room and she announces “Which one [booth] votes for Beto?”   Half laughs, half uncomfortable, given it is Bee Cave, which is more Montgomery County than Austin.   

    First law she’s ever broken.  Hopefully not first of many.  

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