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A-Tex Devil

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Posts posted by A-Tex Devil

  1. 8 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    I’d put the odds of Kavanaugh being an unlikable asshole in high school and college as VERY HIGH.

    I’m sure that won’t come back to hurt him when the FBI starts questioning his old classmates.  

    I get a very Blutarsky crossed with Ted Cruz vibe based on what I’m hearing.  

  2. Seriously, between the Jacob Silj voice modulation disorder thing I referenced up thread with respect to the opening statement, and the other poster that likened "I went to Yale" to "I drive a Dodge Stratus", they need to get Will Ferrell on SNL this weekend to play Kavanaugh.  

    • Like 1
  3. Here's what seems readily apparent to me - if he didn't do this, he handled it all wrong yesterday.  I do not want a guy spouting things about democratic conspiracies, etc. on the supreme court.  He's a partisan hack that would make Scalia and Kagan blush.  The main thing I took from yesterday is that this is a dude that doesn't seem fit to be a judge.  Period.  ALet him get a TV show or run for Congress.  That's fine.  But show some fucking magnanimity for god's sake.  That little tirade on the front end was not judicial, dude.   

    • Like 4
  4. 2 minutes ago, Newy25 said:

    It’s really quite a conundrum. If there really is an allegation, you certainly want to know what really happened before you cast a vote. But if she will not talk to authorities about it or have most of the relevant details, what do you do? Kavanaugh is entitled due process and the timing is highly suspect. But what if it is true? 

    Unless something changes I am not sure you can do anything else other than proceed with the vote. Perhaps a local criminal investigation to follow and he gets thrown off if it’s true? 

    It’s a situation where you could either trample on someone’s due process or potentially nominate a bad actor. 

    He is not entitled to anything in the confirmation process.  

    • Like 4
  5. 52 minutes ago, bolverk said:

    PSA: Bee Cave Rd. is closed this morning due to downed power lines caused by a truck running into a pole.

    It was more than that. It was an idiot team that thought they could get their wide load piece of equipment down bee cave and it ripped down several power lines and trees.  Had to turn around last night trying to get home.  Came around Lost Creek to Barton Creek and saw the “Wot?” Lady driving the lead car with equipment truck behind her was getting the riot act read to her by TC deputy.    These jackasses have been going down bee cave for a couple of weeks now, and they’ve already been pulled over at least once.  I hope the book gets thrown at them.  

  6. 18 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:


    I watched Active Measures yesterday.  Pretty jaw dropping but also an overload of info that it seems to be more of a data dump then pointedly drawing a clear and distinct conclusion like the best docs do.  It is still very good. 

  7. 3 minutes ago, A’Dam Psycho said:

    Here’s my best swing at optimism after sleeping on this loss:

    1) The loss is early and inconsequential for rational fans that knew we’re not a playoff team. Gives us three weeks to fix things before conference play. Whether that happens our not is a whole different argument but at least the opportunity is there.

    2) Coaches and players got a wake up call similar to last season. Maybe this time will lead to more wins because I still feel our schedule is easier this time around. 

    3) I like what I saw from 2018 guys. Specifically Ingram, Sterns, and Foster. Even Jamison and Moore look to have potential.

    4) I like what saw out of our RB group as a whole. It is Maryland but I don’t know if any team we play is gonna be much more of a threat to the running game.

    5) O-Line looks to be improved. Not great but better. Not many holding penalties and gave Sam plenty of time on most occasions. This loss in no way is on them.

    6) Herman has to know in his mind that Beck is not the right man for the job and will at some point have to take over playcalling completely. 


    It sucks right now now but the season is not over. Still have some things to look forward to

    I get all of this. But what the two MD games have proven, as well as Tech last year and the SMU loss at Houston, is that Herman’s ceiling is a more mediocre Mark Richt. He is always going to lose 2-4 games he shouldn’t, maybe steal a win he shouldn’t get, and TX under him will be at best somewhere just outside of top 15. That seems like best case to me.  

    Right now, as someone above succinctly put, he is just an asshole version of Charlie Strong.

  8. Assuming we score at will next week (massive, laughable assumption) both Shane and Cam get in the game.  But Sam is the starter at USC barring a disaster from him next week.  He could lose job there, though.  Unless Shame gets hurt against Tulsa, which is highly possible.  

  9. Finally watched this.  It's pretty funny.  Worse ways to spend 100 minutes.  They should have released it in March or October cause it got drowned out with the summer movies.

  10. 9 hours ago, Chuckie Finster said:

    Trade was John Oliver's main topic last night:


    Holy shit.  I knew Trump didn’t understand trade, but didn’t realize it was to this level.  Stupid me. 

  11. 51 minutes ago, atomheartbevo said:

    There’s a reason why the younger queen in the Disenchantment animated series (Matt Groenig of Simpsons/Futurama doing it for Netflix) is based on her.  She literally slithers around behind the back of the fat, red-headed king. 

    Ha!  Makes sense.  Not really defending her, but think it would be great if she continued to passively aggressively undermine...

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