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  1. I blame that softball game on before.
  2. Finally able to watch via the Espn app ok phone. Clicked Watch button on scoreboard. Still not showing on Espn app on appletv or SEC channel on youtubeTV. Tuned it just in time to see the RBI!
  3. Nope. At 730 it said it starts at 740. And here we are...fuk these chics. When do they call a softball game a tie? They aren't even ranked high.
  4. I think they engrave for free. I bought one of the models about 7 years ago and had my initials and graduation year added on the back. Still going strong.
  5. In the camera view from other side I didn't think the ball crossed because he held it away. He got hit pretty quick and even if the ball crossed by inches, it was not long enough to see. It was close for sure.
  6. Yes. Because all my shows are done... No major drama. They all hype each other up one moment, then throw shots at each other the next moment. It's all for show imo. Jordan and Rachel voted the GOATs (by the season 40 participants and a poll...it was unclear), Johnny was unhappy which made me happy. Cringe Laurel moments. Then mostly Rachel going on again on how the women are more dominant now. In the finale I couldn't stop hearing her say how the final 4 women were doing better than the final 4 men.
  7. All he does is float it...and often too much float.
  8. I couldn't even enjoy a piss post-TD wout some shit happening. How fuking frustrating to work that hard for a gd score and give it up that quick.
  9. Last week Jordan had posted a random photo and one of the hashtags was #fuckthekarmavote. People were speculating it was going to effect him, but guess not. He just hated it like everyone else in the world, except Derek and Rachel.
  10. Well said. Some of the Challenge OGs are beasts, but way back it was a playful show with games you would see on Nickelodeon's Double Dare, and way less complex with the format. Congrats to the winners. Michelle held her own, but still annoys me with whiny shit. Tori let me down. Poor Kyland. A number of other men would have done way better) Still one of the worst finals formats, especially for a 40th. It revolved around swimming for every event except counting fukin coins. 25% of the 40th cast can probably swim well enough to compete in that. Bring back the format where there are eliminations head to head within the final....and just be more creative than recovering keys underwater, math, simple puzzles and counting. Mix it up.
  11. Friends were flying into DAL tmrw and just got canceled. Most changed to ATX arrival and driving up from there. I'm driving up from Houston area on Friday AM. My 4runner has been through Smokey Mts and Rocky Mts in snow...DAL seems doable. Yall be safe.
  12. utxmike05


    Can't stand that character....0 baths, barely talks, looks like he is dying every episode. Family cares about him only when in hospital, went to tech.
  13. utxmike05


  14. This Final blows. Swim somewhere, puzzle, swim back. jfc why not warn them before they sign on that swimming will be a requirement. That is a pretty specific skill that not all are good at or train for. I am rooting for Jordan, but it's not even fair for Kyland. Dude is now a shell of himself and has gone goofy. I get they want Finals to be different format each season and a mystery, but they over think it. Keep it simple or use something that worked in the past and combine them. Karma shit is gay. If it really knocks someone out of first place in the end it's stupid. You want everyone to make friends and still win a cutthroat competition? Also just tired of puzzles in every event. Also Also stfu Michelle, you humble brag when winning and whine like world is ending when you lose.
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