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Everything posted by utxmike05

  1. Speed 98 on NCAA25
  2. Our pets heads are falling off!!
  3. Yikes. Interview link with Horacio. I believe this dude, I doubt he has ever lied. He again announced his retirement on social media. Dude is a fierce competitor. Makes sense he would rather play a sport where he truly goes head to head and not playing politics and having random rules/formats every season. Highlights: -Jacks would fall off easily. Production was helping put fallen jacks back on Derick's board during event, not just last one. Cast could see, but not aired. Nobody helped Horacio with his fallen jacks. -Horacio's ball got stuck and TJ made him stop for 5-10secs while Derick still moved. TJ horn didn't work so took longer for Horacio to hear him yell instead. Not aired. -He clearly recalls saying CHECK and turning to see Derick missing that top right. He says TJ blew the horn and said "Horacio wins" at first. Not aired. -His team was even congratulating him saying "you're 7-1 in eliminations" and Jenny hugged him. While he shakes Derick's time he was still missing a jack. Then Derick fixed the last jack. https://ew.com/the-challenge-season-40-horacio-guterriez-jr-says-he-actually-won-elimination-against-derrick-kosinski-8707107
  4. Mfer. My boy Horacio got robbed. Challengers are posting videos and comments about what they saw and are mostly all Team Horacio. Reddit blowing up. Jordan is Team H. Nurys especially went off on production about how H walked calmly to set last peg and called check like he knew he had it. Why didn't he run if it was allegedly so close? Horacio has allegedly made comments he doesn't want to go back anymore I recall an elimination years ago where Ninja v Laurel where Laurel thought she won. And was a poor sport. But a review showed she didn't put one branch in the hole while climbing. She had made her own hole for it. Reversed and she lost. That kinda detail should still matter. I like all the dudes on Era 1. But production obviously prefers if they stick around more. Even if they are stumbling along.
  5. Yea she was snobby and confrontational in that season. She would brag about only liking the nicest things, trips, rich guys, athletes. But likely she came from nothing. She even was shitty to the nicest boss at the pizzeria gig they all had. She grew up, I will give her that. But she isn't as big a threat as she looks on the Challenge. Seems like she has low stamina in challenges and kinda uncoordinated. Her stories were pretty funny during ep 3 about all her hook ups.
  6. Tony is getting lots of hate (from crew and online), I guess off camera he was talking about how he wants to go home. I actually thought his strategy to save Kyland/Kaycee for a future alliance was a good idea. He said Derek/Aviv probably won't ever be in a position of power...which is likely true relative to the two pairs at stake. But somewhere between the chamber and the elimination he must have gone full retard bc everyone kept referring to him as a bully and sexist. It was strange...like why was no one agreeing with his choice to make that alliance and made it seem like he was doing it to just battle Averey's choice. He must have done or said something else douchey. And they say he threw the elimination also to go home. It's really weird. After manhandling Leroy he was looking like a hero and leader.....huge 180 lol. Still weird to see Nia and Averey hug after their past lol.
  7. Miss me some crazy Camila
  8. Leroy is now in the category of "it's just never gona happen". He has been overrated but for some reason a favorite on the show. Tony waxed him. Aneesa has more success than him.
  9. Weak ass Paulie. How does he remember the movie and actor in Concussion if he really has a concussion. Hmmm Lol I honestly thought he was going to put up a little resistance. But those legs of Theo gave him way too much leverage and power. I haven't yelled "OoooOooooOoo shit!" In a while for these eliminations. That was rowdy. Still hate the new layout and rules for Balls In. Old school way the ring is bigger and there is no inner ring.
  10. Vaughn is Vaughn...classic talker and has to slide in his jokes/quips. lol. Liking the Natalie Martinez girl and they have good chemistry. Going to watch it thru, but nothing groundbreaking. If it wasn't set in the Keys/Miami it probably wouldn't be as watchable.
  11. Actually the movie could have used some fire. Lots of freezing and not any flame throwing.
  12. I guess Kevin James was busy.
  13. Solid flick!
  14. Yea saw some good non-spoiler posts yesterday. Got tickets for tonight! https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/movies/movie-news/alien-romulus-first-reactions-premiere-1235972870/
  15. Couldn't stand that mfer. He had some funny lines that would have been funny by anyone else...but his face distracted me.
  16. Some people can't handle the complexity of Prometheus.
  17. Nice, needed a new show! This show is wild...isn't this the final season?
  18. Yea Emily is awesome. Follow her on IG doing all her hippy camping voyages. So many players. Curious on the format to weed out. And will the final winners be a team? I am assuming so, but ya never know. I don't know how Ryan keeps coming back. No Fessy? If they shad swapped Josh for Fessy on IV...they are the best all around team. This is going to be awesome. I hope it lasts a long time.
  19. Shit. Thought tonight was the premiere. They really going all out with a "move-in" episode lol. This shit is gona be great. Solid teams all around. Trailer shows CT in medi-van. You can't hurt that mfer.
  20. Morons https://cowboyswire.usatoday.com/2024/08/07/cowboys-roster-moves-lamb-williams-huggins-harris-vigil/
  21. lol no shit. I told my wife: oh they finally finished the ship. Can we see the actually do something?? Nope.
  22. Still pissed. After the R & A forever conversation and awkward moments, I saw 20mins left. I subtract 5mins for possible post show crap. We took bathroom breaks, got refills, and sat down ready for 15mins of some drama/action. Told the wife "Starks, baby! It's about to go down!" Then I realized it was just a montage of blue balls.
  23. This. A friend text me “omg can’t wait to watch the finale again..gonna watch tmrw”. I replied “why?” I knew by season 1 it will never be GoT level characters and story, but I kept hoping it would step up. They often deny us battles and when they have them they are usually offscreen. I’m still pissed last season Daemon fought the crab king guy in a cave off screen. Bs.
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