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Everything posted by utxmike05

  1. All the armies/families marching were shown in last week's trailer. They literally just replayed the trailer for us the last minutes of the finale. Here I was thinking we would see Starks fight..nope just marching. Also Ulf seems like he sucks now.
  2. Holy shit. What a crock of shit season finale! Whole time I was like "soooo much talking" while I kept checking how much time was left. Rhy and Ali taking forever setting records with their talk. Waiting for a little action in the end. Last 20mins I was like "ok here we go...." fade to black. I wish I had seen leaks/spoilers to not waste my time. We knew this season is building to a war. These 8 eps could have been done in 5 eps. You could at least start the battles! FU, HBO.
  3. Bullshit they flash u a Dorothy V but don't explain where or how they got it. I was waiting for a big reveal bc Kate wouldn't mention her last name to that reporter. Guessing her college had the Dorothy from a donation for students.
  4. Van MIider?
  5. Perfect...#2 after Endgame for me. So many damn good jokes, references, easter eggs. Favorite, unexcepted part was when Blade walked out. I let out a "Holy Shit" in theater. There were so many spoilers online about other cameos...and not just spoilers you have to read. I would be scrolling IG feed and see photos of the actors/characters and it immediately hints to me that they will probably be in the movie. I suspected Elektra and Gambit from pics I saw....and X-23 from the last trailer (wish she wasn't spoiled). Went to watch Friday midnight to avoid exposure to more spoilers over the weekend. Wolverine doing more wolverine things with the fighting style and mask was bad ass. "Like a Prayer" will never again play the same for me lol. Need to watch it again soon.
  6. "Why was Thor crying?!"
  7. Fukkkk so Team Black is flexing now with 7 dragons. And might add another if Rhaena finds the wild dragon. Lol at Rhaenyra's method for claiming Vermithor. Wtf. Maybe start with some interviews and make a top 10 for the first attempt. Ulf is gona get so much pussy now. Question: Kings Landing knew Vermithor existed at Dragonstone right? Did they just pray nobody would ever claim it?
  8. Solid fukin series. Great acting all around. Closing arguments killed it. Molto was just grasping for straws with nothing solid to work with and he reeked of jealousy towards Rusty. Smart jury. Never saw the movie, and don't care if they changed things...that's kinda the point. Why remake with something with exactly the same outcome. Wife nailed her performance in the garage with Rusty and daughter. By the 6th episode I had guessed the killer, but I didn't expect the other part of who tied her up. Crazy the whole time Rusty how she was murdered and was secretly trying to divert all attention away from who he thought was the murderer. That's why he sat on a lot of evidence / information the first 48 hrs. I suspected lots of people from Molto to the ex-husband/kid, but I figured it had to be someone we hadn't seen much spotlight on. I think the ending was to show they aren't really happy, but trying to act like it....those dark secrets will tear any family up eventually. That daughter is going to need help eventually....how did she sit in the courtroom the whole time knowing her dad could take the fall for her. Season 2 is a go and it will be a different case. I imagine it will be an entire new cast / plot.
  9. Yup. I had no idea we have to wait until freakin Nov for the next 5 episodes. F U netflix. At least release these first 5 on a weekly basis so I have something to watch each week. I ended up finishing the 5 last weekend, thinking maybe the next 5 would be in August or sometime near.
  10. Can't stand it either. Like we get the point, he is forced to reflect on all his mistakes. This could have been done in 1-1.5 episodes. EP 6 was 73 mins - I was excited going in thinking it would be great...wrong. Ep 7 is 67 mins EP 8 is 73 mins At this point I think the finale last few minutes will be all the new dragon riders mounting up and flying off / fade to black.
  11. And And it seemed that they parked the getaway wagon about 10 blocks away.
  12. I was hoping it would wipe that look off her face. The same confused/concerned look that her face has frozen to all season.
  13. Long ass boring episode. Strong move by Team Black w the door dash. Daemon, wtf are you doing. Check out of that air bnb already. This plot has gone on long enough.
  14. I call bullshit. Alcohol makes me a better singer, and how most people approach karaoke. lol She is a "professional singer", it's weird to think booze could make her forget she is a singer and suddenly sing like an asshole on live TV.
  15. Fell asleep 4 times during that ep. Didn't have any trippy dreams like Daemon. How long is he staying there? There isn't a holiday inn nearby he can check in to. I know what his goal is at Harrenhal, but all we see him do is eat and sleep. Speed this shit up. I like the idea of using the small folk to turn on KL. Seeing the dragon head paraded around was not a good idea...shows they are killable and pretty shitty showing off the death of your family's mascot. Were Rhaynera/J talking about finding more dragon riders by using Targ. bastards?
  16. Grandpa? You alive?
  17. Not enough real men on this show though. Show lacks any badasses worth seeing battle on foot like GoT. And all we usually get is a post battle show of the dead bodies, even in season 1 we don't get to see Daemon fight crab guy. So bring on the dragons.
  18. Ahhh. Yea he has one style of acting.
  19. Probably because it is him.
  20. Last 2? Did you miss the ep with all the fights and reveal?
  21. Brothel and boobies still way under GoT standards.
  22. One of my gripes also with this show. No combat battles shown....they did that last season with Daemon coming out of the cave with Crab guy's head or whatever. And just showing us the post battle shots. I miss GoT. But they got all their budget on the Dragon scenes.
  23. Lol I said the same thing to the wife.
  24. Now run away Mae. Mae gets stopped. Mae runs away. Mae gets caught. Mae runs away. JFC
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