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Everything posted by utxmike05

  1. Jecki fukin threw down. Bad ass lil padiwan. Yord sucked. Buncha huge nerds in here per usual. Can’t ever be satisfied lol. Hey ohh
  2. lol ya. That team is female strong. Even got Kelly. The dudes are questionable, except bananas.
  3. Era 1 is a beast if their old age doesn't effect them. I am pulling for Era 3....or Era 4 but they got Josh
  4. This is a stacked Cast...dayum. Era 1 (Seasons 1- 10) Tina Barta Katie Cooley Aneesa Fereira Brad Fiorenza Derrick Kosinski Mark Long Rachel Robinson CT Tamburello Darrell Taylor Jodi Weatherton Era 2 (Seasons 11- 20) Derek Chavez Nehemiah Clark Johnny "Bananas" Devenanzio KellyAnne Judd Ryan Kehoe Aviv Melmed Brandon Nelson Emily Schromm Cara Maria Sorbello Laurel Stucky Era 3 (Seasons 21- 30) Tori Deal Amanda Garcia Leroy Garrett Jonna Mannion Nia Moore Tony Raines Averey Tressler Devin Walker Cory Wharton Jordan Wiseley Era 4 (Seasons 31- 39) Paulie Calafiore Theo Campbell Kaycee Clark Michele Fitzgerald Horacio Gutiérrez Jr. Olivia Kaiser Josh Martinez Nurys Mateo Jenny West Kyland Young
  5. Gah damn. Vaughn almost gave that away.
  6. Yea a recap I watched said that in that era it was like the ultimate sin to kill your own kin. Still a shitty way to end both of them. Wish they ended up teaming up and fucking over the Greens. Stupid Cole and his orders.
  7. Daemon was pretty vague on purpose to those goons regarding a back up plan. Big goon told rat catcher "you remember what he said...son for a son". Which implies is was said offscreen by Daemon. By being vague he knew what the consequences could have been as in they may go off script....but it lets him deny responsibility. He probably never thought that a small child would end up being an option though.
  8. Do they have to keep killing off the cool characters that look like they would be good to see in battle (off a dragon). My only complaint about HoD series is that is lacks the likeable charcaters / warriors. Or even unlikeable ones. Everyone is so young. Aemond is all bones. Missing a Jorah, Hound, Mountain, Drago, Oberyn, any Stark, Grey Worm, Bronn. Daemon just isn't it.
  9. Are all of the All Stars finals like this?? Lol holy shit. That was a bunch of carnival games. This is the first AS season I have watched. I stopped watching the final after the fire hose event. I just couldn't anymore. I cracked up at the drinking the red juice and spitting it in a tube though. I hope nobody won.
  10. Great start to the season. Glad my Sunday TV queue is loading back up. I had to google a family tree and dragon chart to refresh myself. It's been awhile. I still don't know which side I take...I know I should definitely be Team Rhaenyra, but I can't stand Daemon's face. Go Starks.
  11. Could have been worse. Glad they were "saved" from possible extinction. Hopefully it's not all talk and Sony really wants to keep the same atmosphere. The original founder will be an advisor... My Alamo in Katy is safe.
  12. We enjoyed it. We knew what to expect. Their chemistry is what makes it work. My series rank is 1,2,3,4. A consistent decline, but always fun lol. Reggie sticking around works.
  13. Lost me after that opening scene ended....lame use of my girl for such a short time.
  14. I can’t take this shit
  15. Be nice. It is June 1.
  16. Fukin Flores will be muttered for a long ass time in this household if we don't pull this W.
  17. lol. Veronica has taken the longest fall from hotness. I had they playboy mag she was in....so hot. I watched them show her repeatedly in that daily challenge....I was thinking before I hate...maybe she has some medical issue that makes her fat....but man they edited that poorly for her. I'm really just watching this for Laurel. Majority of this cast can't carry a season...need more Alphas.
  18. My sister was just talking about that. But he had reconstructive surgery from a broken jaw (not movie related). It's been documented and in interviews. He did a hell of a job in the film though, his best.
  19. Lmao. LB fukin J
  20. Guess what inning I tuned in on.... fuck this inning.
  21. Man....my Wednesdays suck. This cast is boring. Love me some Brad and Ace, but they are chill. The girls have been center of attention. Shitty elimination, wtf was that. More carnival games that doesn't actually put them head to head. Just watching bc nothing else was on. Last week I rolled my eyes so hard when Cyrus showed up. Dude...just stop.
  22. Movie was meh. Dunst and Plemmons were good. Filming was gritty and cool, but I didn't know what to expect when going in from story line. Ear drums blown out by overly loud gun fire sound effects. Cringe ending. But the young chic had a nice booty.
  23. Lol I have been trying to watch some episodes with a toddler bumbling around the living room....seems like creepy Storm scenes always happen to be on when my daughter is around. And she just stares with mouth open. Wife makes me switch to iPad.... Great series.
  24. Yea but we hit them 9 times. Begging for it.
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