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Everything posted by Orangechipper

  1. Be careful what you wish for. If beck is fired. What competent replacement is there at this time of year?
  2. ... and when it all went down beck was coaching his first month of football for the team. Not exactly in a position of strength to raise hell. But yeah. He’s still culpable it appears.
  3. Yep. Yahoo seems to corroborate that timeline. Most went down after October 2015 when Herman was out of dodge. Bomc at it again. https://sports.yahoo.com/new-documents-detail-timeline-zach-smiths-alleged-abuse-235056848.html
  4. Urban is lucky Courtney wasn’t killed. Then he might also be facing criminal charges.
  5. Maybe tongue lost his spot as well.
  6. That report is bogus. They were the only ones in the restaurant. It was rescinded because it’s not true. At least that’s what I’m told. They are waiting on the stores surveillance. So seems like truth will come out at some point. Hunter is your typical over social media’d Teenager. He’s definitely eating up the extra attention now. I don’t think he has a drivers license yet.
  7. It was 230 in the morning. He and his friends walked to the Whataburger around the corner. Not their wisest moment for sure. But they weren’t wearing it to make a political statement. It was just something patriotic to wear for the 4th. It was his dads hat. He and his 2 friends and this asshat and his friend and the employees were the only folks in the restaurant. Again. Not wearing the hat for any kind of attention.
  8. This kid assualted is my cousin. Are we really going to say he deserved it because he was wearing a make America great again hat on 4th of July? Holy moly
  9. Some of the comments on tigerdroppings are gold. That op did raise one good point. Since coach O will suck. Aggy will likely start beating LSU regularly. Will be interesting recruiting dynamic if LSU fades. Will that benefit bama or aggy or Texas or Tcu type schools the most?
  10. Wound up doing deferred. Just 30 days. Wound up paying 142 as they reduced it some as part of plea deal. Thanks again for the help. Basically... when no speed limit sign is posted. Its up to the ticketed party to PROVE what the speed should be. The burden somehow shifts for this particular scenario. Maybe prosecutor was telling me a load of bull. But my time is too valuable to sit 3.5 hours just to talk to someone. No way could i risk missing another day or two of work sitting doing nothing.
  11. Cool. San antonio is my office. Lots of clients in Houston, though.
  12. What city is your main office out of ?
  13. Texas Farm Bureau. Won the JD power award 7 years straight for "highest customer satisfaction among auto insurers in Texas" Its rare that I don't save folks money. Can't hurt to try.
  14. precinct 4 place 2. 78222
  15. Bexar county courts. Thanks for help! my court date is 6/25. How do i request DSC now?
  16. Recently got a speeding ticket. Going 57 in a 45. Officer asked me if i knew the limit. I told him, "no" Now i know why. Went back down that street and from the exit off the highway to my turn off there are no signs posted. Its a single lane road. but still. Roughly 3.5 miles and no signs. So my questions: #1. Do i fight it? I can go back through and make a video proving no sign. #2. Do i just do deferred adjudication and not waste my time? #3. If i do fight it. See the judge or do a jury trial?
  17. Another Longhorn grad here that does insurance. PM me if you ever want to compare rates.
  18. I agree on Bragg. Not only cuz he's a beast but also because not many options in state at the position.
  19. So basically just espn3. excluding Original ESPN and Espn2 and ESPNU. Sounds like regional stuff that won't make it in your area.
  20. Regarding Wilson "But he's also a full-fledge Texan and his relationships locally are stronger than oak. " NO. DOOMED. Has he not seen Jerry Maguire?
  21. I haven't had any issues, but i'm not out of country either. Was able to catch all march madness games flawlessly away from home. One thing to not forget... Try getting standalone apps for certain channels. They still verify VUE account, but sometimes work better away from home. Examples: FreeForm Channel. Can watch original Vacation movie anytime i want. On VUE would only be there if I DVR'ed it. My wife does same thing with Hallmark Channel App :
  22. Obligatory
  23. I've got PS VUE. I had ps3 and ps2. So to stick with the titles i like, PS4 makes most sense. Depends in part who is providing your TV i imagine. If you will be cutting cord... has to be taken into consideration
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