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Everything posted by pantone159

  1. Both, just as it has been. There are some studies (that IIRC not all the docs here are impressed with) that some vaxxed peeps with mild breakthrough infections can still shed a lot of virus, so the mask helps protect others in case you have such a mild (or even asymptomatic) infection. And it also lessens some the chance of you getting the breakthrough infection in the first place. But the unvaxxed are contributing a lot more to the spread, but you are helping a bit with a mask even if vaxxed.
  2. Username checks out ok.
  3. I think that gold bars have a reputation of being more likely to be counterfeit than gold coins, but hopefully yours are fine. I would not expect much better investment results in the next decade, and now is probably a decent time to sell. If you don't like having a little dragon hoard for fun, there is really not much reason to keep it. McBride's would probably give you a decent deal, I would guess. You do have to claim it on taxes as a 'collectible' which means some extra complication, but it wont be much money for you.
  4. I do appreciate the snek news, but since the story was from Sep 2020, is there news on how the eggs fared?
  5. W+/- and Z bosons for the win. RIP Weinberg.
  6. My book says this is John Calhoun as well. Jefferson Davis is on some CSA notes, but not this one.
  7. Maybe my imagination, but snek looks a little lumpy to me.
  8. Still no gold for me, but I did pick up 19 or so grams of rhenium metal, for about $300. In theory this is a speculation on this rare metal but more likely it is another shiny for the collection.
  9. pantone159

    Austin FC

    It took me a while to figure out what was happening, from the TV feed. I thought there was some camera messed up, or some exposure mess-up, cause the screen went dark. I did not figure it out until Twellman mentioned it in the post-game.
  10. Be careful what you ask for because the answer is 100.000000000000000000% the first one.
  11. I suspect that the complaints of excessive vibration and so on from the construction next door, were also a symptom and not a cause. The rebar structure was rotting, so what should have been mostly normal vibrations seemed a lot worse, because the building was close to failure.
  12. The circulated 90% stuff is not my thing, but I think that this is very liquid and normally (possibly not right now) has low premiums. The price is usually given as some multiplier of face value because that is convenient and usually correct, but remember that you are buying silver not cash. So if a coin is so worn to be underweight, it is actually worth less. I suspect that most bags are weighed pretty carefully, even if each coin is not inspected, so it is probably not so easy to slip a fake in there. My personal opinion on silver, is keep/hoard it if you like the look of it, but otherwise sell it and put the money elsewhere.
  13. pantone159

    Austin FC

    I'm curious how this bus route handles the games. That is how I expect to get there and especially back. Also, it seems like the turf has issues. There were chunks getting knocked out even in the first (WNT) game, and there was at least one giant divot tonight. I can't wait to go though.
  14. Doesn't the eyelash viper have a relative (also venomous) that likes to leap out of trees at you? King cobras are really gigantic, they are very intimidating to see in person. The Reptile World Serpentarium in St Cloud FL has one, it was impressive.
  15. Maybe we can herd them up to North Dakota, let them get stuck at the border, and then keep them up in North Daqota for good?
  16. pantone159

    Austin FC

    That looked to me to be the way to get there, unless a train station parking lot is convenient. (Sadly, no tickets for me for this game.) The 3 bus also seems to go right by the stadium, which I will be able to take all the way from the 04 up to the stadium. The 3 is probably useless coming home though, but they will supposedly have 803 buses queued up after games.
  17. Yep. The air driers are horrible. Even worse, it does not help you if YOU have enough sense not to use them, if anybody ELSE uses them then they are spreading stuff all around that you get to breathe.
  18. Still, the traces of thorium that will be found alongside the yttrium etc will be nowhere near strong enough to cause burns. So my bet is indeed sunburn. Which is in fact a mild radiation burn, but not from the rocks.
  19. I have to be skeptical of this. The radiation levels to cause acute burns are very high, and not at all consistent with anything natural in the ground. If he really got radiation burns, then he was digging around some illegally disposed of highly radioactive something-or-other.
  20. Coin shops should sell 'junk silver' which is 90% silver old US coins (from 1964 and before). Normally these should sell around melt value for the silver.
  21. Melting them into something cool is definitely a good use for those. Otherwise, my personal opinion would be to cash them in for silver value, which will make sure they don't get 'accidentally' spent for 25 cents.
  22. I think wanna-be-gold-bugs just need some patience right now, and wait out the craziness. It won't last forever. At least, I hope not.
  23. For series 1996, probably no value over face. If any of the serial numbers has a star, or is really unusual (like all 8s or something), then there is more chance, but most likely the value is what is printed on them.
  24. RIP. I have read and enjoyed two of his books, and have another on the shelf that I have not got to yet. A really good writer.
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