That one is real, BottleRocket.
Here are a couple of my Texas notes: The first is from the Republic of Texas era. It is not that obvious from the image, but the note has been sliced almost to ribbons. That is the cancellation from when this was finally paid off in $5 in real money. The Republic did everything that they could to default on their currency, but when it came time to be admitted to the USA, the obligations had to be met, as they were then sort-of US obligations, and the USA did actually pay their bills, and so a bail-out was arranged, and the note holders were eventually paid in full. (Most of the original holders had given up and sold their notes to speculators for pennies on the dollar, and it was the speculators who got paid in full, that is how things go.)
This one is from the pre-Republic days, from the 1830s I think, for a private bank that hoped to open, under a Mexican charter. (Notice that this is denominated as 1 dollar and 1 peso.) This bank never actually opened (notice there are no signatures), but some of the blank printed notes did survive.