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Everything posted by brojangles2

  1. Baseball is such a fucking ridiculous game.
  2. brojangles2


    I'm convinced there will not be a single positive happening in this whole series.
  3. We will never have to concern ourselves with having a lack of opportunity in the RPI. Never. It will take care of itself for the rest of time.
  4. Pardon me, I completely put my head in the sand from the semifinal, literally until we were back in Arlington for baseball. Is Craig no longer on baseball calls on the radio??
  5. I live in Hardin Cty myself 🤨. Not too many of us here. (Surly and this Stone Age County)
  6. Will be anxiously awaiting this to go live, so that I can know my own verdict. My Spectrum goes from 444-460 at the moment, does not even show a greyed out 448. I suspect that is a product of launch not yet occurring. Fingers crossed. pretty good news about Victory using cable creds to get access as well.
  7. If anyone somehow finds out what channel it will be on Spectrum, and what plan it requires, let me know.
  8. Not sure I have disliked a Texas player more than him in history. Maybe Kris Boyd.
  9. brojangles2


    Today was the first episode I've found hard to get through. Just an all over collection of random shit leading to nowhere, but worse than the usual.
  10. Browsed over it until you became a pouty bitch. Negged.
  11. Who is aggy celebrating on X right now as of the last hour?
  12. They're here for the gangbang.
  13. Burger brought in for possible Lowe trade and inevitable Jung injury. I like it. Great offseason so far. Upgraded at back up catcher as well.
  14. Has anyone seen anything formal as far as stating when the Senior night intros will happen? Obviously its briefly before the band marching, but curious if a specific time has been stated.
  15. Not the least bit concerned by this game. Not going to try to create something out of nothing here.
  16. Nvm. Re-air at 9:20
  17. How do we watch if we missed it on cable at 7? Do we have to wait until next day, and is it on a certain platform?
  18. Honestly, you just WANT it to be that way for sake of some lame ass nostalgia. Everyone your age sounds this way.
  19. I am not ready to just accept this as fact in 2024 as long as 1/3 of the seats in the stadium are on Seat Geek for less than $70. At this rate the place wont even be full, so miss me with all that.
  20. They are peanuts on Seat Geek and will only go down im sure. You can sit on the Arky side 30 YL right now for $100. Can sit up top on the rail for under $80. We have a good chance to show up strong.
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