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Everything posted by brojangles2

  1. Are we wearing white or orange on Tuesday?
  2. Likely won’t roll into town until around 1P. Will definitely make a stop.
  3. Quite frankly you’re dreaming.....terrace is going for like $18 bud.
  4. Yea those are less than $60 a piece on stubhub. Massive crater.
  5. $100 for the pair plus $10 for the overnight. Venmo
  6. All of the UPS tickets still left on Stub Hub have to be a no go right?
  7. I can’t even give mine away in 620. Literally can’t even hand them anyone. My Dad won’t even go with me and he busted my balls after every home game for not taking him.
  8. $100 for the pair and I’ll add some to the Venmo for overnight mail.
  9. Mine are also in 620. The way it’s going, I’m going to buy something wayyyy more respectable for probably about $50-$60 a piece an hour before kickoff and just leave that dogshit LHF sent me empty.
  10. Company party tonight. Got home 10 mins ago to fed ex on the doorstep. Was scared to god damn open it. 620 row 26. Jesus fucking Christ. I don’t expect the red carpet but fuck....7 seasons LHF and I coughed up $320 for this hot fucking garbage. I’ll never use LHF again aside from the basic two or three boxes a year I check in March. At least they don’t fuck that up. I would be lucky to $50/per for these and paid $150/per. Fuck
  11. Waiting for them to show up. All the LHF has disclosed is which block you fell in. Haven’t physically received them in order to know section and row.
  12. Based on what he typed there, he’d never qualify.
  13. I’m ultimately just not willing to pay what the FQ is yielding. Booked a damn nice, highly rated place in Metairie with a swim up heated pool bar for less than $300 for 2 nights. I’m satisfied. Still bothered by $320 for two seats in 620 but whatever. Hook em.
  14. Holy crap, $60 for what’s likely a publicly funded building??
  15. It’s steep as shit up there. I’m really not thrilled at all, but nobody is buying that shit off of me at face. I’m not even going to attempt the circus of selling.
  16. Yea you’re right. I’m mad today lol but I’ll get over it. Not to the point of practicality yet.
  17. December 3rd was the deadline to cancel. The same day as the actual inquiry deadline. Sans Cotton Bowl/ou, this will be my absolute last neutral field game dealings with LHF. They’re great for all issues DKR and across the 40, but they can fuck right off for neutrals. I’m stuck with their terrace bullshit. Oh well. Guess I’ll have to just go.
  18. Yea, it really is. I don’t do nosebleeds. Wouldn’t even sit up there for free. It doesn’t mean enough to me.
  19. Yes. I haven’t been charged bc allotments are not yet complete. They were able to tell me I was slotted for the $150 seats that are terrace. They can keep that shit.
  20. Was told this morning I’m being given Terrace level. $150/per. Fucking terrible. I’m likely to cancel.
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