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Everything posted by brojangles2

  1. It's the Bob Phillips imposter announcer again.
  2. How do you even fucking offer at that?? Jesus Adolis.
  3. Just give Alvarez Bonds treatment. Fuck dude.
  4. ACU or not, we lost to fucking Whataburger aggy. Pardon my Tuesday PTSD.
  5. Jon Singleton will get them all turned around 🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣
  6. Has the season started in HOU yet? 🀑
  7. Oswaldo Cabrera never wants to leave MMP. Asstros making an MVP out of the guy.
  8. Can't imagine rooting for a team with Jon Singleton on its roster. What a fucking charity case.
  9. Here we fucking go with the beer league softball shit on second base.
  10. This. Jesus Christ.
  11. Apparently the TTU kid is just going to gas fastballs and see what happens today. We should pound him 2nd time through.
  12. These fucks don't use the A/M anywhere on their unis anymore and it's nauseating. The block T is fucking identical.
  13. I will be at Woodrow's in about an hour.
  14. Bought a club seat for Friday, lucky to have an out in a pinch. Will just have to miss the 3 day and get singles. Could be worse I guess. Few dollars more in the end and minor hiccup.
  15. Well, I fucked up. I have gone to buy my 3 day pass about 6 times in the last two days at my desk and something pulls me away. Now they're sold out. I have a room for two nights and meeting 5 others there for the entire weekend. Is anyone has a 3 day they aren't using, please let me know, or an extra GA for tomorrow at the least and I can buy singles for Sat/Sun. πŸ€¦πŸ»β€β™‚οΈπŸ€¦πŸ»β€β™‚οΈ
  16. Very odd πŸ€·πŸ»β€β™‚οΈ. I have left freely year after year, holding an all tourney ticket. Lunch and beers and waltzed right back in. Honestly they looked at me like I was stupid for even asking.
  17. Seeing lots of mentions of not being able to re-enter. I made it a point to ask as soon as I walked in in 2022, and had 0 issue coming back and forth. Has someone called or emailed and gotten a different answer?
  18. Taking from DeBoer is even sweeter.
  19. The team got several really nice drops today, including this one and one that says HORNS but with the CFP logo instead of the 0. If anyone comes across public access, holler.
  20. One more!! Floor it and let’s sweep these bitches!!!
  21. Sorry if out of place, but can I get the up to date chart of who played in how many games? Figured it was best to ask here.
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