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Bud Davis

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  1. Old World Third St has solid stretch of bars. Then close Wolski's and get the bumper sticker.
  2. Just stopped in to say Hell Yeah. Feels better posting here than the Shart thread!
  3. As usual, I am here. Two days of black eyed peas and their fiber content got me. Never trust a high fiber fart.
  4. Fuck the Eagles and their fans. They can all choke on cheesesteaks or a dick.
  5. Was talked into a bottle of David Nicholson Reserve today. 100 proof rye and drinks very smooth for 35 bucks.
  6. Just stopped in to say Fuck Philly and their shithead Camaro driving meathead fans.
  7. I'm in So Cal where you can never find Weller. Just left a bar that pours Special Reserve for 4 bucks at happy hour. Nothing like watching Weller and coke, 7 up, etc being poured.
  8. Quincy Carter looked awful today.
  9. Chaz Green is taco bell diahrrea after a night of Jager shots.
  10. So jealous. My local shop wanted 60 for the green label today.
  11. You can do both. The Wrigley location is right there.
  12. Can't help with a store, but spent Friday evening at Big Star. Hard to beat drinking Pappy across the street from Wrigley. Great selection and fair prices.
  13. All of this x 100. Assclown douchebags.
  14. Last I checked, lap dances are 10 bucks.
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