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Everything posted by purplepride95

  1. The "Black" police chief didn't make this decision on her own. It doesn't usually happen this quick. In the past there would never be any charges until the video is released months later. I feel it would be naïve to not question the swift actions. I also recall the black officers being charged quickly with Freddie Gray.
  2. The boot lickers need all the footage. Every vid that comes out they need to know "What happened before the video starts". Shit they need to know what the victim had for breakfast. Anything to change the narrative.
  3. Tyre Nichols death: Former Memphis police officers charged with second-degree murder Last week, the five officers — Tadarrius Bean, Demetrius Haley, Emmitt Martin III, Desmond Mills Jr. and Justin Smith — involved in Nichols's Jan. 7 arrest were terminated. https://www.yahoo.com/news/tyre-nichols-memphis-police-chief-warning-death-unrest-164908037.html
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