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Everything posted by purplepride95

  1. They will get there’s eventually. Just like Dahmer and Roof. I know I sure would love some time with them. To kick ass not take ass.
  2. I’m not saying Brown should not have been arrested. I just think if the tables were turned Brown would have been arrested in February and these dumb asses would have not been arrested for doing what Brown did.
  3. Disgusting. I also read that former NBA pro Shannon Brown shot at 2 people entering his house. They thought he was having an open house. He was arrested of course. That stand your ground doesn’t apply for everyone. https://www.wilx.com/content/news/Former-MSU-star-Shannon-Brown-arrested-after-shooting-incident-570329301.html
  4. The Op has the story. Apparently the son had his gun stolen from his unlocked truck previously. There had only been 1 or 2 calls about burglary in the area. Dad saw victim jogging on a Sunday afternoon and felt it was suspicious and he matched the suspects description(blek). So he went in to get son and guns to stop the bad guy.
  5. This! What I do believe is he would be alive if they stayed home and called the authorities. This young man thought his best action was to fight for his life. No one knows what they would do in that situation.
  6. I don’t see anything at the beginning that shows he was doing anything other then jogging.
  7. They are living freely like nothing happened.
  8. Video released won’t embed https://www.facebook.com/799539910084929/posts/3124377527601144/?vh=e
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