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Everything posted by tittiesandbeer

  1. Footwork king trying to give credit to Charlie Strong for Todd O's defense. These tweets stem from his displeasure on Toneil's playing time. It may seem like subtle tweets to fans but its a dick slap to the coaches.
  2. Here's one tweet questioning the usage of Toneil by the coaching staff.
  3. It's also possible that the tweets have since been deleted. I do remember that what FWK was doing on twitter was in no way to help a kid/coach relationship seeing that FWK is followed on twitter by most of the Texas coaches.
  4. I can give it a shot. He tweets more than a 14yr old girl going through her first breakup. I have no idea how to search on twitter besides using text values and trying to remember about the time he started bitching.
  5. FWK is a helicopter dad who has 50 or so 3 - 5 star kids. When Toneil Carter got buried on the depth chart he made sure to verbalize his displeasure on twitter. It wasnt the kids fault, it wasnt FWKs fault, it was the coaches/schools fault. He's the Foreman's dad with a large litter of kids.
  6. We're fuckin soldiers! - Kellen Winslow Jr.
  7. Hornsby - Transferred High Schools Toneil Carter - Transferring Sheppard - Kicked off team. Did rejoin team.
  8. FWK is still butt hurt about Toneil Carter not getting PT. He's an emotional thin skinned bitch.
  9. Footwork King believes Taylor Hamm can do no wrong. How the fuck do you think Hamm found out Shep wasnt signing? They're sucking each others dicks on a nightly basis. Im curious to know who funded FWK's facility.
  10. Titties and beer that's why I'm here.
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