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  1. Heard a commercial on Sirius that AEW Collision will be in Fort Bend County Feb 8th
  2. * in the last 20 years is probably the distinction as well
  3. Players who have homered in their first MLB at bat
  4. I'd probably sub Magic for Dominique....but other than that yes
  5. Playing against a homeless dude and foreign national team members in shitty uniforms
  6. Nevermind looks like Cam may be out still also. Landale/Green time to shine.
  7. Sounds like Adams and Tari out tonight. I am guessing Cam is back
  8. This is the biggest issue to me. He has too many rights. He pretty much strongarmed it to one team and one team only so of course they arent going to give us shit. If we could have had all the teams as an option I bet we would have done better even with all other things considered....especially when it was known we were gonna end up sending $$ too.
  9. Yep. I already said I hope he rapes the Astros front office for all the pennies he can....especially after the Arenado debacle.
  10. NBA all star shit sucks but Reed and Amen in Rising Stars game.
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